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A God Directed Life (as a hiking unicorn)

I was ahead…far ahead. At 6 feet, my stride was longer than that of my fellow pilgrims’. My pink cape was flapping in the breeze and my unicorn headband perfectly centered on head. It started off as a fun thing to do for a picture…but as others walked by, I could see them begin to smile. #anythingforasmile

Just me, my headband, and Maddy Magnifico…and yes, she is MAGNIFICAT!

It was our second or third day on the Camino de Santiago in Spain, and I had stride. Nothing could stop me…except for a full bladder. I looked around me to see if I recognized anyone. Nope. I stopped at the sign to make sure I was on the correct path…and I considered finding a place to “empty the tank”…but I began to question if I was really ahead or behind my friends.

At this point I wasn’t too concerned about getting lost. I thought there was only one path…clearly marked with a yellow arrow or scallop shell. If I followed it, I would end up in the same village as others. Then I overheard others ahead, “which way do we go?”. 

“Buen Camino”, I said, as I walked up on them. They nodded, and as expected, they repeated the traditional greeting,  “Buen Camino.” We then all stood and stared at the 2 signs, each pointing a different direction.  Apparently both take you to the next village, where I would meet the team.  It didn’t take long before there was a random group of strangers, each pulling out maps or trying to get a signal on our phone… until someone in broken English discovered that one way was longer but more scenic… and the other shorter, but more challenging. I could do either, but what would my fellow teammates do? Half of the pilgrim’s chose the difficult but shorter direction, while the others turned around and went down the scenic but longer path.

“Wow”, I thought… “I’ve been here before”.  Not literally. It was my first time on the Camino, but I’ve been at crossroads in my life, where I must “choose” which path.  My mind was flooded with memories.

How many times have I asked God for His directed path? How do I know if I’m “in it”. I remind myself of who I am in Christ, my gifting’s, my experiences.

…and the path gets clearer. God’s has given me direction…and everything I need for it.  So when I come across times where I must chose which way to go, I test it. Does it glorify God? Is it scriptural? Do I have that head knowledge or skill set? Do others confirm it? If the answer is “yes”, I walk in confidence…knowing I’m in His will, regardless of what it looks like. Sometimes – He gives options and any or all could be in His will.

Back to “the” sign on the Camino, I confidently picked a direction…knowing full well – I was on the right path. Either way…would get me to my destination. I was free to choose. I choose the shorter but more difficult path…knowing my attitude would make or break the experience. I was up for a challenge and wanted to be stretched.

I straightened by headband with the unicorn horn, threw back my cape…took a deep breath and set my eyes on the prize. (At that moment, it was the closest toilet)

For my female friends – I recommend going on a trip. It could be a missions trip, an adventure trip…any trip that would get you out of your norm so you can gain new perspective on life. Adventures in Missions are now introducing Women’s Trips. (contact me – [email protected]

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 NIV

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