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Thoughts & Inspiration

10 Years and Counting…

In 1988, Don went on a World Servants mission trip to the Dominican Republic. It was there that he met Seth Barnes. Twenty-nine years later, Don and his lovely wife, Connie (Mwah) – would join the mission organization that Seth began in his garage.

This past month, we celebrated my 10 year anniversary on staff with Adventures in Missions.

I had every intention of reminiscing. Sharing highlights. But I don’t know where to start. Some 60+ trips later, 32 countries, many training camps, thousands of participants, and countless new relationships… I find myself tired. Yet, full of life!

This month I return to Thailand and Cambodia. I’ve been going twice a year to both countries since 2012. It’s not because I love sitting like a pretzel on long flights, nor is it because of the jet-lag you fight. Instead, it’s because lives are being changed…the gospel is being shared, believers encouraged and the hearts of participants are being healed while ministering to others.

Next month, Don and I will be busy training some 30+ leaders and @150 high school age participants for their 2, 3, and 4 week mission trips! We will be on call 24/7 until they all return safely to their sending families. Exhausting, yet so life giving.

10 Years! 10 Years of support raising. Yet another thing that is so exhausting, but gives life.

As we move into year 11, we have some new needs to continue serving with Adventures in Missions.

Here’s how our support through Adventures in Missions works.

Combined, Don and I are responsible for raising $4,835.42/month. We are currently short $1,900/monthly. Most trips are covered, but occasionally there are mission trips that we need to raise additional support for… We are confident that God is still in control and will provide for all our needs. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do…. Proverbs 3:5-6

Speaking of needs…

Our luggage takes a whole lot of wear and tear…and it’s time to retire another ripped/cracked suitcase. If you feel lead to donate towards a new suitcase and carryon suitcase with warranty (and zipper that doesn’t bust open- as in the picture below), we would be grateful.

In the first 3 months of 2017, Connie had 3 procedures that required General anesthesia. With insurance, we are still responsible for paying around $8,000.

  • Would you pray about supporting/partnering with us financially?
  • Do you know of anyone, a church, small group who would be interested in hearing more about our involvement in missions domestically and internationally?
  • Would you put our prayer card on your fridge/bulletin board and commit to praying for us?
  • Could you make a donation today?
  • Would you be one of 19, who will commit to donating $100 a month?

 If you’d like to make a special donation, a monthly donation, and/or annual donation – head to the left hand side and click “SUPPORT US”. Make sure our names are in the “Staff Member” line.

I recall our very first two financial supporters. My parents and a dear friend in TX. Like them, many of you have been with us from the very beginning. Thank you. 10 years is a long time! 

Thank you for your investment in Kingdom work, for you prayers…for your encouragement. Some seasons are “better” than others. We experience job loss, death and sickness…and can understand when there are times when you/we, are unable to support others financially. We understand, and our prayers are with you as well. This is a partnership. We serve together. Some are hands, others are feet.

Thank you for the role you’ve played in our lives and the lives of the people we get to minister with/to.

If you’d like to know more information or want a prayer card please email us at ::

Connie Rock

[email protected]


Don Rock

[email protected]
