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“Wow! What a Ride!” :: Nigeria

“Seize eternity – why settle for a day?” – Stephan Beacham 1954-2005
“He drove to heaven loudly proclaiming, ‘Wow! What a ride!’ ”
Missy Camiola pointed out this tombstone to our team of four, telling us her story. It grabbed her attention years ago, broke her heart, and was instrumental in the packing up of their lives and children to Nigeria. She began and runs a ministry called Grace Gardens while her husband John does business as missions – and does it well. To read more about their lives and ministries, please click here.  
I understand why the tombstone caught her attention, drew her in, and grabbed her heart.  

Nigeria is a land with all kinds of unrest. Daily. Security is high everywhere – and yet bombs explode and many are killed on a regular basis.  Go ahead – type in “Nigeria News” into your search bar. If that’s not enough, look at the images. In preparation for the trip, rather than causing fear, this gave me courage –  courage in the authority that we walk in. I wanted to use that authority. Not carelessly, but with caution. I trusted the individuals living there and I’m glad I did.
Wouldn’t you rather live 70 years filled with risks and adventures in Kingdom work than 100 living in a bubble? I don’t want regrets.  I want to see miracles, share the gospel in bars, brothels, prisons, and streets. I want to go to areas that others can’t.  No, I don’t have a death wish and yes… if I can live a life full of adventure in Kingdom work to the age of a healthy 100 or older – even better!
I grew up in the 70’s when missionaries were risk takers. My father would tell us, “Goodbye, I’ll see you in 2 weeks.” Then as if in the movies, drove off on his motorcycle into the jungles of South America. We never really knew when he would return. Sometimes he’d return sooner and other times, later. On trips thru the jungles, we made our own roads, we slept in the wild, and bathed with gators (or where they crocs?). We had no phones, only ham radios. I had a secret code should I need to communicate a emergency. I used it once. Only because I wanted to see if my parents would really show up – and they did! 

I recall when Mr. Parker was shot by a bow and arrow in the jungles and was saying his good-byes to his family. His kids gathered around the ham radio at Tambo, the New Tribes Missions boarding school in the Andes Mountains. He survived, by the grace of God. Another survivor cleared the area and a helicopter managed to land some few days later. How Mr. Parker survived was a result of maggots hanging around the area where he was shot. What a ride!
While Mr. Parker survived, another student from my years at Tambo did not.  Mark Rich had married another student – Tonya Wyma . They were young, third generation missionaries.  While serving in Panama, he was captured with 2 other men. Mark was 23. I found out in 1993 that they had been killed and I believe that these men and their wives and children lived for eternity – not just a day.
While we grieve here on earth…imagine the party in heaven. These men and many others arriving in heaven, loudly proclaiming, “ Wow! What a ride!” I want a party like that. I want to arrive yelling, dancing with no regrets. I want those who I leave behind to know that’s how I lived and died.

Although Adventures in Missions no longer sends team/individuals to this area of Africa due to safety reasons,  they granted me permission to go. I’m so glad I did.  Would I go back? Yes, should God permit and provide. Today I’m feeling grateful for so much as I sit at home not feeling 100%. I’m grateful for a Adventures in Missions who allows me the privilege to minister in the way I’ve been called. I’m grateful for my husband who prays over me and for me. I’m grateful for parents who trusts me and doesn’t hold on too tight. I’m grateful for friends, church community, and others who follow, pray, and support. Without you … this is not possible.

Today, I crashed. My plans were to accomplish much … but I need rest. My neck and head hurts, my eyes are itchy and there are a few sneezes here and there.
Tomorrow it’s back at it full swing – ready to “Seize Eternity!” whether it’s at the grocery store, youth group, in the office, or sitting on the couch. Even if I’m still not feeling 100%, I want to be ready.