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This last week Connie and I had the privilege to participate/observe some of the RLT (Real Life Team) training camp. The week started off with training for the leaders. These are two month trips that take place in various locations around the world…Amazon jungle, South Africa, India, and more.

The first few days the team leaders prepared and spent time in prayer for their team members and ministries. Later in the week the other participants arrive. Once everyone goes through all the niceties of greetings, getting situated and camp rules, the fun begins. 


Teams go through a mini boot camp for missions. The training is designed to push each team to their limits and then some.
  Participants are placed in team building environments that challenge them to work together. 
 Many of these team building exercises have unity goals, attitude goals, and other various goals that build a more cohesive team. Along with the team building activities there are a number of training sessions that cover everything from cultural issues, drimes (Drama to music), spiritual warfare, and listening prayer (just to name a few).

As we observed these teams develop over the week – I was amazed and encouraged.
  I was amazed at how quickly each of these individuals went to places of trust, vulnerability, and grace with each other.
  I was encouraged because I thought of the great community that was being built.
 I was struck at how the love that was present on the teams will be a great testimony of the love of Christ wherever they go. All of this will help them on the mission field and in the mission field at home. Going and making disciples this is exciting stuff! Keep the Real Life teams in your prayers!

One response to “Training Camp”

  1. “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35 NLT

    You’re right! How cool!

    Love you guys.