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Selling Sex, Underwear, and T-Shirts in Thailand

Team Thailand: You know who you are. You all had a part and it’s not over.  I will be returning at least once in 2014, and am training someone to share the responsibility. One, I’m asking you to pray for this individual and…Two, asking if you will join me in a reunion trip of sorts. Of course… you need details. They will come, but as of yet, I do not have them. In the meantime, pray.  Oh! and men – you can join this time! I’m setting up ministry – that you can be a part of. Don Rock…hopes to join me! Sign up at

Here is an update from Thailand – or what happens on an Adventures trip to Bangkok, Thailand.

The day begins with an early morning for some. (Jetlag is a beast). For others, you stay in bed enjoying the AC for as long as possible. It’s in the evenings and into the early hours of the mornings that the team takes to the streets… after we are prayed up and armor is on. There are plenty of places and things you can do until the team regroups.

We visit with the staff at the guesthouse. Did you know, one of the gals will soon leave for another job? Her name begins with an A. We love her. So friendly and her English is excellent. She is involved in her church and wants to be closer. You may have heard, but one of the cleaning ladies has cancer. Here is her story from the last trip.

Our lady from the Indian Restaurant has injured her hip, requiring surgery. This did not stop her from sliding chairs around to fit us all at one table. Our street vendors are changing over time. There are new ones between our place and the Seven Elevens. Occasionally we will see some of our same friends who live and work on the sidewalks. One of my favorites, “the topless” guy still claims his rightful spot on the steps of a local store. However, over the last couple trips we’ve seen him pushing a cart. We think he has a job! I still have not spoken with him. It’s on “the list” for the next trip. Starbucks! Yes, Starbucks. Same, same but different. They ask for many of you. Our one gal with the contacts is at a different location now. I’m determined to find out which one! We keep talking to our water lady in the red-light district as we begin our evening, and saying hi to “Tom Cruise”.

I have a routine of sorts. It includes the neighboring restaurant where you can find me with a plate of eggs and bacon every night. They still greet us and treat us with respect and love. They practically jump when we walk under the colorful awning. There is a hustle to get fans pointed at us, eager to please. We must share the gospel with these people!

The massage parlor: For those who have been – you can picture it. The rest of you have heard me refer to it in several blogs. Over time, I have seen the change in our friends there, two in particular. One had been wearing a Buddha around her neck at all times. But on a previous trip, she was given a necklace. I think the necklace was intended for someone else – but God knew. She now alternates between Buddha and her cross necklace. We speak of God, pray for and over them. They accept us and are getting bolder all the time in sharing about their personal lives. In fact, we have a invitation to visit one of their villages. They know now…a little more about the Son of God and His Father.

One of my participants from this past trip, Stacey, shared a story about a conversation she had with a worker at the massage parlor.

News from Rahab: The stories keep coming. If you haven’t read this one, please do. In May while I took teams into the bars, I sent another group prayer walking… and that group met this gal. This trip – I ran into her on my way to Rahab, on the stairs outside their office. It was a moment I will never forget. I asked her “Do you still work at the bar occasionally?” She quickly responded with a shake of the head…”No! I do this!” and pointed to the table at which she makes stuffed animals at Rahab.

The stories are too numerous to share. Not to mention the impact that it has had on participants. Right? Wink. Wink. For real – one gal from a team returned home, sold everything, and headed back to Thailand with no plans on returning to the States. This excites me. She is on the ground…pouring into these people day by day. Others have returned for a second time! And many have supported and prayed, bringing awareness to the needs and injustice.

Still folks ask what a day might look like. Here is a blog I wrote after a trip. Although I don’t think going into the bars is the most effective because of the distractions and noise – it is still effective.

I’ll end by sharing this story with hopes that you will see YOU are making an impact and our time is not yet over in our little area know as Patpong. You’ve heard or seen me use the term: “tout”. A tout in that area is an individual, male or female, who holds sex menus, often sticking them in peoples’ faces as they walk by…aggressively pestering us to visit a bar… a bar that you can participate in the activities in several manners. I know – I visited one. To this day, I have a difficult time processing what I witnessed. This is not the place to share, but believe me. There is a spirit of confusion that resides in these places, among other things. 

I digress. I’ve built a relationship with a tout who I will call – Gert. Over the years, we’ve laughed, talked, and shared Coca-Colas. She has brought us children to color with during our “Little Pong” times at the beer gardens.

She has brought us individuals to tie bracelets on…and even has stopped others from hassling us or shoving menus in our face. She knows something. What, I wasn’t exactly sure….

But then…

An afternoon of shopping happened at the Chatuchak Weekend Market. I had been there many times. It’s huge. It covers over 35 acres and contains upwards of 15,000 stalls. It is estimated that the market receives 200,000 visitors each day. I love this place. Don’t tell me shopping isn’t a ministry. You’d be wrong.

It’s easy to get lost there and once you find something you want – buy it. You’ll never find the same stall again. So with map in hand I was determined to find a vendor I had visited prior. With the help of a friend…it happened. I felt led to go further down that aisle, but was led away by the Thai vendor wanting to introduce me to yet another vendor and so forth. Hours had passed. I was still feeling led to this one aisle as we made our way back. Coming from the opposite direction we heard a noise and out jumped Gert, the tout!  Shocked we asked what she was doing there. “I store! I store” and she pulled us down that isle. There it was – her store. My jaw dropped. “You sell underwear and t-shirts?” “Yes, I help sell!” and she points to another man. We began to have a conversation as she grabed stools from other vendors for us to sit on. She asked about my back, what we were doing there, and then it was my turn. Without the distractions of Patpong, the blaring music and crowds. I was asked…

“Do you know why we come to Bangkok so much?” With a smile she said, “Yes, you Christian” … and then a customer showed up.

It’s all worth it…I thought. I sat there watching… and began to pray out loud asking God to make this the only work she would need. That the business of selling underwear and t-shirts would be where it was at!

And then…the customer bought 20 t-shirts and I helped him pick out 2 neon colored underwear.

In a city where 8,280,925 people live – how is it that we ran into “our tout”?

What an honor to lead these teams. If you are interested in joining me, please contact me or Adventures. If you are interested in supporting me as I lead these and other trips, please click the “support us” link to the left.

Again, without you – this would not happen. In this season of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you.




  1. Praying…yes..always for you & Don. I will patiently await more info for a return to Thailand in 2014. Excited about all what God is doing in you and through you…you are such a blessing and an encouragement….a crazy one, but a special one! Luv ya! 🙂

  2. I LOVE this and I LOVE you!!! I am so thankful for how God allowed me to be a part of this with you and how He has used it in my life (so much I still haven’t told you). A reunion trip sounds amazing, of course, but we will see what God does:o) I love you lady and am praying… especially for provision and God’s amazing grace over you and Don. I would SO love to go back and see how God develops many of these relationships… I loved that lady at the neighboring restaurant that always was so smiley when we showed up for lunch or dinner. And my Tom Cruise… SO praying God reaches his heart!!

  3. I love this Connie 🙂
    Thank you so much for your faithfulness and service in Thailand. I want to return so much….I will be praying about it. How I would love to come again, God willing!
    Much love, Stace

  4. I will pray about being there and bringing John. I have told him over and over I am ready to move there if God says Go.

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