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“Just” a bad dream?

2001 – It was early, very early in the morning when I woke up with a migraine. I had chills, was dizzy and sick to my stomach, so I asked Don to skip work and stay home with me. As the migraine lessened, I shared with Don that I woke up with the pain following a nightmare. In this nightmare… I was on a plane. I watched as people were being stabbed.

About an hour later, while still in bed – Don turned on the TV. Neither of us were interested in what we were watching…so we kept changing the channel. “Wow, that movie is on a lot of channels!” – I recall one of us commenting. It was then that we realized it was not a movie, and at 9:03am we watched the second plane fly into the the South Tower. Later that day, news of what happened on flight United Airlines Flight 93 was announced. Don and I, in shock…knew that’s what I had seen in my nightmare.

Why did He choose to reveal that? What was the purpose? … and why won’t He clearly reveal other things to me? (Just wondering)

(anyway…) I think of this on the eve of every 9/11.

I might be a TCK…but I’m proud to be an American!

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