In the heart of Antigua, to the left of
the Arch, is a restaurant with a sign that says “Girls Night”! Not that we
cared. More importantly, they serve pizza, which is what is what we were
craving that particular night -and the price was “right”. We peeked in and the
atmosphere looked fun. The 5 of us were greeted and walked toward the
back. There was no one else was there. Strange. You would think it would be
packed…I hope the pizza is good, was all I could think.

So I asked. “Is your pizza any good?’ The waiter shook his head as he smiled
and said, “No, but it’s ladies’ night!” Whatever. We were there, seated, and
from what we smell and see – the pizza looked good. And it was. It was just the
5 of us – and it was good. Best pizza ever. Really. Perhaps I was just
hungry and had low expectations after the waiter told us it was bad. But I
really enjoyed that pizza and the company.

That pizza joint was much like the trip. I walked in with these great plans and
expectations. After all – it was my first Purchase Effect trip! Within hours of
arriving, all expectations were off… the team was so chill and was just thrilled to
be a part of this experience! Funny thing happened – it surpassed anything I/we
could have imagined.
I’ll start at the beginning. I’m home from Guatemala. I tried to count the
number of times I’ve been…with no luck. It doesn’t matter. I
thought it might help in creating the picture. How deep and wide my love for
these people are. This is more than just a place I visit or someone I
know….This is just one more place I call home. Side note: How to fluster a TCK/A (Third Culture Kid/Adult) Ask them where home
is. (Following Bolivia, Canada – mom and dad lived in Guatemala for 9 years)
From Atlanta, Guatemala is only a 3-hour flight. A nap really. Easy on and easy
off. I met the team outside the airport. Reunions are sweet! Constance,
who has been on one of my Adventures Thailand teams and Eileen who was on one
of my Adventures Swaziland teams joined Erin and Kristen (both on staff at
Adventures). Perfecto, our driver whisked us off to Antigua where we were
stationed for the week. Pause with me – Yes, his name was Perfecto!
And now for a flash back – Anyone know the chorus of the song, “Shopping” by
the Pet Shop Boys?
We’re S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we’re shopping.
We’re S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we’re shopping.
Shopping for many of us is a great way to connect. It begins with talking about
the products and how they were made…our plans for our new finds…and then it
moves to more personal matters. Matters of the heart. Before you know it, you
have a new friend and they are asking about what you do!
For many of you, you may not understand how this can be and is a ministry. Guys,
you bond over hunting, fishing, and football… “Man stuff” things where you
grunt and cheer. Girls…we bond over The Bachelor, crafts, and swapping baby
stories. (Please exclude me from that…I’ll always begin to compare my dogs to
your kids).
Ministry takes place everywhere, anywhere, and in many different forms – so why
not shopping? I’m pleasantly shocked at how much interest I’ve gotten! We
listen. We learn. We help where we can. We meet people who make and sell
beautiful things so they can feed their families.
This is the Purchase Effect.
On the “business” side of things, we purchase directly from these individuals
and communities and bring items back to sell. Our customers buy handmade,
one-of-a-kind items, but most importantly, they do so knowing that their
purchase helps others. It’s not about the product; it’s about the Story – about
the ones we are living and the ones we can change… (not to overlook the
greatest story of all)
It wouldn’t be fair to not share how “Maria” is doing. Remember her? This
little girl left by her father after saying he did not want her any more? She
refused to smile or interact with the rest of the children. Imagine the joy we
experienced when we walked into the school to find her smiling and ready to
play! In fact, she was so filled with energy that we had to take turns playing
with her.

Again, I’d like to say I love what I get to do through Adventures in Missions. Seth
Barnes is a dreamer, thus allowing many of us to do the same. They have taken a
chance on me as many of you have and I’m forever grateful. I have another busy
year…filled with Adventures in Missions Encounter trips. Most to Asia. To
make this happen, I ask yet again – please support me/us. It takes finances to
make this happen. More importantly…it takes prayer.
There is so much more I could share…but that is ” a sentence” for another day.
-With love and prayers,
Crock (and Don – the guy behind the curtain…loving and supporting me so I can
continue to dance and run – it looks much like Phoebe in the episode of Friends…where
she “runs” through the park with Rachael.)
“Spend a week in a country and you’ll come back and write a bestseller. Spend a
year and you’ll write a magazine article for a well-known magazine. Spend
a lifetime and you can hardly write a sentence.”
I love your heart! Maybe I will get to be at the next pizza party! See you soon! Love you!
Indeed Kathy! Indeed! – Bag o’ Guatemala coffee coming your way to be shared on a Sunday with the community! It’s just sitting on my counter waiting to be mailed. Looking forward to our reunion!