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Pin Interest? P-Interest? Pinterest?

Know what this is? It’s something I “pinned” on Pinterest from Purchase Effect. Well, some call it Pin Interest others,  P-Interest…but no, it’s Pinterest. How interesting…huh? Making it….wait for it…Pinteresting!

For this of you who know about Pinterest…please click the link now! Oh, and if you are easily distracted, find Purchase Effect on FB and “like” us, Check out the shop on Bonanza and of course…scoot as quick as you can to the Website.  It’s simple and easy to get around – it’s what we’ve been working on for quite some time now.

For those of you who have no idea what Pinterest is or does, and prefer not to add another social networking/media to consume the last few moments you might have to spare… according to Wikipedia, “Pinterest is a pinboard website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests and hobbies.
I’m going to be using Pinterest as another platform to help others… while I also use it for my other hobbies and interest, like dreaming, creating and well, collection of images of pretty things.

More importantly, I’ve recently returned from FL where my brother and family were checking out colleges for my nephew. My friend Kristen and I hitched a free ride with my parents and met up with them. While they were scoping out the college and area, we sat in our room and plugged through a couple books  … made for “dummies.” My brother and his wife are brilliant at such things (Love Transfusion) and were there to direct and guide us through the processes. First time I was grateful for less than beautiful weather. It kept us hunkered down and from exploring too much. But we did take a couple hours to visit the
National Naval Aviation Museum. Yup – my nephew is taller than I am!


So, if you haven’t already…please check out Purchase Effect at:

Folks, it’s not for me and not about me – there are many great causes that need you!  I know. But please prayerfully consider Purchase Effect a means of helping others through your purchases. You can do so by passing the word around, and or shopping. I’m excited to say that we will become a non-profit in 2013!
Some have asked what this means for me at Adventures in Missions. Nothing! I am still on staff and have no plans to leave right now. It will happen, but when, I don’t know.  I continue to raise my support. One day, I hope to stop raising support to do what I do with Adventures and begin to raise support for great causes but draw a income elsewhere. I love what I do with leading teams and advocating for those in Asia. I‘ve got 5 gals on the field currently and will be sending another 5 in 2014. Adventures leadership is in support of me following this dream – called Purchase Effect.
Shameless I tell you! Shameless!  I’ve got another plug – Adventures Trips. Join Me!?
Thailand – May 20– June 2
Cambodia  – June 2- June 13
Cambodia  – July 14-24

India – July 30 – August 12
Thailand – Oct/Nov. Dates TBA
Cambodia – Nov. Dates TBA

And now let’s talk support! I’m raising just over $1,000 a month in support. It’s not enough to live on…even with Don’s job as a youth pastor. I’m short about $15,000 a year to cover health insurance, admin fees at Adventures etc. Over the last 7 years, monthly support has dropped drastically. We had to use the cushion built...leaving us living month to month. The cushion is gone and Don is back in school adding to the expense.
  If you would prayerfully consider a special donation or monthly, please see the “support us” link to the left. I would also like to clarify that the trips above are covered by Adventures as the Project Leader.
Lastly, it is our really, really busy season. Three weeks ago it started when my officemate‘s husband sent me to help her with the 9yearold twin boys on a trip to Disney! As a 40 year old – I had a blast. However, the boys would have much rather hung out at the hotel pool. None the less, it was a great time. Just days before I returned, Don left for his Fuller classes in in CO. He returns tomorrow. I leave the 20th of this month for Thailand leading a team of 28. The same day that team leaves, I fly to Cambodia to lead yet another team. In total – Don and I will once again be apart for almost 4 weeks. Although not easy, we are able to communicate thru skype on a regular basis. A highlight is always the first few days home when we can catch up on life, swap stories… eat good food and, of course, watch our latest favorite TV shows. This way of living will last thru the fall…and we love it. However, we’d appreciate your prayers.
If you read all of this – congrats! and Thank you for sticking with us through friendship, prayers, and support. We’d love to hear from you.