put my camera down and sat next to him on the pigeon pooed covered steps while
leaning against the old door of a catholic church in Costa Rica.

“You’re dying?” I asked.
Shaking and stuttering he repeated himself, “Yes, I’m dying.
That’s why I called you over to take a picture of me.”
“I’m happy to take your picture, but tell me…why do you say
you are dying?”
“They’ve given me a short time longer to live. I’m an
alcoholic who has been kicked out of my home. My family has disowned me. They
have forgotten me, but now, now there is a picture of me. I will not be
“I’m so sorry my friend! Can I pray for you?” I spot Kristen
from the team and motion for her to grab Pastor Marcos, our host, and begin praying
in English when Pastor Marcos joins us in Spanish. Then the conversation began
over again. This time with even more tears and sorrow: “I’m dying.”

Once again…we began to intercede on the behalf of our new
friend, Francisco. It was a messy mixture of Spanglish, Spanish, snot bubbles,
hiccups, and tears. In the next minutes following, Pastor Marcos walked
Francisco through a prayer of confession and faith. Simply… beautiful.
Francisco didn’t repeat Pastor Marcos’ words, but instead inserted his own
confessions and praises. He was broken and sincere as he looked to the heavens
with his arms raised. I sat there feeling as if I was in a scene from a Peter Jackson movie.
Light was shining in his face, while the shadow from the century old church
protected us from sun and the statues provided a covering from the pigeons. His eyes once dead, had now seen
the light-and was alive!

Pastor Marcos went off to buy coffee and tortilla for
Francisco while I stayed behind and continued on with our conversation. He
called me his “angel” sent from God.
“I’ll be your ‘angel’ sent by God! It’s true. He heard your
cries and sent me all the way from the US to remind you that God loves you and
you are not forgotten! He loves you that much.
Grinning from ear to ear, he asked “Will you take more
pictures of me, so you will always remember me?” He leans against the church
and fixes his shirt.
“Of course! I would love to! I will never forget you, nor
will your heavenly father.”

“Now how about a couple with me, your ‘angel’ sent by God?”
He threw his head back and blushed. Tears began to once again race down his
face, dripping off his nose. “Si, por
favor!” I turned the camera around and said “cheese!”

Pastor Marcos returned and we shared coffee and goodbyes
with the promise that someone will return with copies of the pictures.
He will not be forgotten!
will never leave you nor forsake you“.
I love you. Thank you for livin the least of these and for glorifying our heavenly father with the way that you live your life.
Connie, I can see how this unfolded and know that Francisco’s life totally changed because you were God’s helping hand! It is so uplifting to hear how God works!
Wow, this is awesome. Such a great encounter, simply beautiful. Simply God!
Connie, what a wonderful story to share. God indeed used you and wanted this man to be saved! Thank you.
What a beautiful testimony. Brings tears to my eyes. It is good to remember that God is a friend to the friendless and Savior to all who will believe in His merciful name. Praise the Lord–His sweet mercy endures FOREVER.
God heard his voice, like a groaning in the desert. You were obedient and responded. What about the others…who sit on other steps of other churches in other countries? Who will respond to them?
So great! I just love your heart. I love that you listen to the voice of God. This blog makes my heart so happy. You bless so many people by just being you!!
Incredible!Sometimes people wonder why ya’ll go on so many short trips. This is why. We never know what God has planned.Thank you and Kristen for always obeying!
Connie, keep allowing God to use you and being open to his call. Francisco will now have a spot in heaven on his very own gold covered stairs, minus the pigeon poop! Thanks for sharing this amazing story! A few more written words and there would’ve been snot dripping in my coffee cup.
read this on KTTs…
“snot bubbles and blurry eyes and hope and grief and thankfulness”
Crock, prayed that He would guard you from before & behind…even at Best Buy today.
God is Glorious. We all must lift up our hands to the heavens to praise Him. We are all meant to do so much more than our lives and our humanity let us do. Keep leading by example and let all of us pray and praise our Lord and Savior by doing the same. BEAUTIFUL TESTIMONY!
Connie, this just made me miss Costa Rica and the beautiful people there so much. I want to go back.
Great encounter , loved the way God used you and the pastor