Standing in a long shirt alone, with matted hair and dirt covering her legs, we met her in a park in Cambodia. I asked my friend who lives in Cambodia more details. She explained that at a young age this girl had begun working in the sex industry. Now with addictions herself, it makes it even more difficult to leave. With no one or anywhere to go, my friend had been caring for and looking out for her. Recently a safehouse had opened and she had claimed it as home. Although she did not go there all the time, I am told she left an item or two of hers there whenever she left, as if to say, “I will be back”. My prayer is I can see her again next month when I return. Although likely she will not remember me, I want to give her a hug and let her know I have not forgotten to pray for her. She has a piece of my heart… God used her to move me to getting involved in supporting freedom & anti-slavery initiatives worldwide.
I’m returning to Thailand on Tuesday to lead another Adventures in Missions’ trip, which ends on the 3rd, the same day my trip In Cambodia begins. I’ll hop on a flight just in time to meet the team in Cambodia.
Thailand is a team of 13 while Cambodia is a team of 6. When there, I’ll be touching bases with our long-term gals in both countries from Adventures. I’m so proud of the way they have packed up to serve for a time. Their roles are each unique to their gifting and callings. There are two gals who work in Thailand near the Burma border. A 3rd gal in Thailand, works alongside an organization that provides a trade and safe place for those wanting to leave prostitution.
In Cambodia, 4 of the original team are returning home this month after their 2 year commitment, while the most recent 4 stay for another year. It’s a bittersweet time for them. A couple of the gals are staying involved but in different manners. Again, I’m proud. In 2013, we are adding another 3-4 individuals to this team, including a young couple. Really so much to share… and no great way to do so on this blog. There are many pieces to this ministry. Simply, prayer is needed. In Cambodia, they have just finished a holiday called, Pchum Ben. It is a holiday to honor and care for the spirits of ancestors, said to return to earth during this period. It’s a dark place…where this team has brought light. Please pray for each of these woman as the continue on their work, debrief time, and move forward. Thank you!
I hope to update while in both countries. Thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers. They are NEEDED! I’m so, so blessed to have such amazing family and friends!
sending many prayers around you & KTT. thank you for going.
I will be praying for you and your team. I know that God will use your time well
I have faithfully been praying for this trip. I will continue. Be safe. Love you.
Connie–You’re on my heart and in my prayers–Much love, Lisa