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What a week.

What a week.  Training camp began last Friday for the AIM New Staff and the January and September World Racers. The September World Racers are here for their final training before … Read more about What a week.

It’s official!

It's official! As of this afternoon, we no longer own a home in Texas! It was a rollercoaster of an experience…and are grateful it's over. We continue to live with family. Thank you for … Read more about It’s official!

Swazi Trip Update

Through your partnership with us…you are investing in people like Teresa and the Swazi team…and they are sharing Gods love with people around the world. Keep the Amabassador teams in your prayers! … Read more about Swazi Trip Update

Recent changes

Some of you may have heard that at the last minute the originally scheduled leader (Brandi) for the Jeffery's Bay Real Life Team (RLT), had a family emergency and went home to be with her family. The … Read more about Recent changes