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April 12, 2008 Her first words were "Juice"  Laura is now with an oxygen mask…and doing well.  She nods her head to communicate. The liver and kidneys appear to be stable. Doctors are not … Read more about Juice!

Cat Scan.

Thursday, April 10, 2008 Its 9:12 a.m… and last night was a rough night. We were on our way home from the airport after a week in Detroit where Laura lays in ICU...when we got the phone call saying, … Read more about Cat Scan.


Wednesday April 9, 2008 [Laura's Update] 11:31 a.m. She yawned, kicked her foot and moved her arm! They are hooking her up again to dialysis…and going to remove the tube from her neck. She continues … Read more about Movement.

The gift of life.

Tuesday April 8, 2008 [Laura's update] 12:24 a.m. They are doing a Cat Scan, checking to see if there is any brain damage from the pressure. 1:21 a.m. We've heard from the nurse…there was minimal … Read more about The gift of life.

Day Seven!

Monday, April 7, 2008   12:41 p.m. They started dialysis again to clean out the kidneys. The brain pressure is stable. Blood pressure is stable. She looks less jaundice and swollen. Liver test … Read more about Day Seven!


This morning we are told... WE HAVE A LIVER! Surgery is at 1:00!  Pray for the family who is donating this liver. Sadly, someone had to die so Laura may have life. More later!  … Read more about LIFE!