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As of 12:30 AM today...Don and the Ambassadors highland team has arrived safely in Lima Peru. One participant is a student from our time at Windwood Church in Houston Texas. His name is Kyle and we … Read more about Peru

Training Camps.

(Picture to left: Team J-Bay 1) Three down, one in process and one more to go! Between Real Life and Ambassadors, Don and Allie are running 5 training camps… lasting a week each. Despite the … Read more about Training Camps.


As we mentioned in the previous post...I may not be able to join Don and the Peru Highland Ambassador team on July 2nd. However, I'm excited to share that I'll be support staff for my dad, Gary … Read more about Belize

Just Days Away

We are just days away from starting our second week of training camps.  As of right now we already have one team serving in Thailand.  The next training camp involves our Real Life teams … Read more about Just Days Away

Thankful for…

We are back in Detroit, MI. Laura is doing so well. Doctors and nurses are amazed at her progress. She is awake, talking and eating. If you would like to follow her daily updates, please check out her … Read more about Thankful for…

April Letter.

For those of you following Laura's progress, check out her new website at   APRIL 2008 PRAYER LETTER PRAYER Often we think it's who prays, the numbers of … Read more about April Letter.

New website.

April 13, 2008 [Laura's Update] 9:35 a.m. Laura is awake, numbers are stabilizing. The Doctor says he is amazed at her progress! However, she still has a long ways to go and is not out of the woods … Read more about New website.