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We've been back from our Texas/Mexico trip for a couple of days now. Thank you for your prayers. It was great catching up with some of you while there – trips never seem long enough to see … Read more about Texas::Mexico

October 16th.

Tomorrow we are off to Texas and Mexico. While in Texas we are staying with friends, Michael and Wanda Sturm. On Friday, October 16th... they have opened their home so we can visit as many of you … Read more about October 16th.

El Roi.

El Roi Written by our friend, Dianne Pruim   You've heard it before - El Roi was here.  Or was that Kilroy was here?  I'm not sure. I know I've heard of El Roi … Read more about El Roi.

San Pedro

 Connie wrote this on her team blog a few days ago:   When the team arrived in Guatemala my laptop broke down....prayed over laptop and it came back. At internet cafe right now. … Read more about San Pedro