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We just finished our first Training Camp of two for the year. Monday nine teams flew out around the world–Guatemala, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Mexico, DR, Romania, Peru, Nicaragua, and Kenya. They are so excited to see what God will do in and through them this summer… as are we.
Sunday starts our next Leader Training. The students for the second camp come on the 30th and fly out on July 5th for Costa Rica, Haiti, Scotland, Bolivia, Philippines, Uganda, and Mexico. Don and I will fly out as well for Haiti. We will be there July 5-9.
Throughout July teams will return to Atlanta for Debrief. In August we, along with Kristen and Amanda Bryant, our Administrative Assistant and Admissions Coordinator, will go to Mexico for the final debrief of the summer with our 5 week trip. Needless to say, it’s a very busy–but wonderful–summer!
Please pray for us… as this next camp begins, for all the students as they travel and minister overseas, for Don and I as we travel to Haiti and Mexico. We are so thankful for you and how you partner with us. Thank you!
Below is a video of the camp that just ended. Enjoy!

2 responses to “Video from the First Training Camp in 2010”

  1. How wonderful the first camp went well! I know that the second will be no different!

    I am looking forward to talking with you tonight and getting caught up.

    God is doing great things and it is so awesome to see how the work you two are doing is making such a difference!
