Three down, one in process and one more to go! Between Real Life and Ambassadors, Don and Allie are running 5 training camps… lasting a week each.
Despite the heat…it’s been a great time of training camps. We’ve recently sent over 100 college students to Thailand, India, South Africa, Mozambique, Peru and Swaziland. What an amazing group of individuals! They are now all in their respective countries with excitement and anticipation of what the Lord has ahead of them. They know they are going to grow and be stretched, but perhaps don’t fully understand how much this experience will change their lives. They will hold orphans, care for the sick and dying and be Jesus to those who have never known Him before. We look forward to hearing their amazing stories in 2 months at debrief. Please keep them in your prayers.
Our roles… with a team of AIM staff, are to pour into the participants and leaders. We get to hear their excitement, fears, life stories, dreams and heartaches. We have seen people set free of burdens and hurts they have carried for years. There have been great times of sharing, teaching, worship and prayer.
Sadly for us personally, Allie who has been the Director for Real Life will be stepping away to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a new and exciting manner. We’ve really enjoyed Allie this past year and have learned a lot from the 10 years of experience that she brings. She will be missed…she leaves big shoes to be filled.
Don has been busy with the details of all things Ambassador and after the year of learning, is enjoying this part! Training camp is when you see it all come together…it’s a sweet time and we love it.

Team India
Wow! As you pour into others, I pray that God will continue to fill you…and hold you in his hand…and protect you.
Love you both.
So much energy and excitement for these youg people as they seek to serve our LORD and SAVIOR. May God supply all you need! Be safe and keep trusting. God is good, all the time.
God has used you so much and it is such a blessing to know your hearts desire is to
serve our Lord. Thank you for your service at Aim and also all you have done for our family. We are praying for you and these groups.
Ya’ll have been amazing through all of these training camps, and I am thankful I get to come along for the ride. God is working. I miss you already Connie!!
C 🙂
We pray for you & Connie and all the work you do with and through AIM. Thank you for your love & service to others. You are amazing ambassadors for Christ. God Bless you both.