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Well, AIM’s fall training camp for the Real Life and FYM team’s has come and gone. Yesterday morning students began leaving for the airport at 4:30 am and are off to locations like India, Kenya, Nicaragua, South Africa, and Swaziland. We’ve been a part of over 10 staff and student training camps in 2008 where we have helped train and send hundreds of students and leaders. We feel so fortunate to have been a part of their lives and to help prepare them for the mission field.
At the commissioning service Sunday night, Don and I had the opportunity to help pray over the leaders for the various teams and then help pray for the students as well. God has truly brought together amazing teams of leaders and students to go out and change our world. We feel so honored to have had the opportunity to invest in them and challenge them over the past week.
A long time AIM leader and the worship leader for the FYM Awakening in South Africa, Kristen McMullen, put together a great highlight video. I’d like to share the video with you so you can have a picture of the events of the last week. Thank you for all of your prayers and support.
Serving the Lord!
Connie and Don

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