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I hear it often and the same images pop in my
head. There is a beat. A beat that they love in the red light districts.  One that the girls dance to… it makes
my head pound and my heart break. I’m preparing my heart, mind, and soul to return to Southeast Asia on the 20th.  I will return to the streets, leading a
team of 28 to Bangkok, Thailand. 
It’s with great joy that I return…but never like the being apart from
Don. I am excited to see my niece, Shelby, who has been serving there with another organization over the last few months while teaching English. I couldn’t be prouder. On the 2nd of June – I board a plane for Cambodia where I will
lead yet another team…and catch up with my long term gals who I have been
working with for the past 2 years. To read from a previous trip…and what it looks like to go into a bar there, check
out my blog, Private Dancer.
Yesterday was a “big” day around here.  It began with the Crocodile Crawl, A 5k
to benefit the Freedom Project, a student-led initiative of Fellowship Bible
Church and Lanier Hills Church to raise funds for young victims of trafficking
and abused children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. No, I did not run – but I did wear
by “stretchy pants”…and as expected, Don ran. Below, I’ve “crawled” over Rachel (Who will be joining us on the Cambodia trip) – to beat her to the finish line.


Later that day, we hosted a viewing of the documentary
of Nefarious: Merchant of Souls at
Lanier Church.
 We are
grateful for a team from Adventures in Missions who helped make this happen!

This is a dream Don had last year…and it’s
exciting watching it come together. 
In July, we will take a group from both churches to Cambodia and work on
and in this Safe House! Our prayer is to raise the $40,000 it will take to get
this house ready! If you are interested in donating towards this project,
please click here.

Thank you.

5 responses to “There Is A Beat”

  1. Hi Connie! Looking forward to meeting you in Thailand in 19 days! Eek! Also, looking forward to hearing more about the Freedom Project and Purchase Effect. Both sound intriguing. Amy