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BUT – At some point
I damaged discs.

I’m going to
share about my experience with my back pain and Sciatica. Because I need
healing. I need your prayers. Then we can point to Christ and say  – it
is because of Him, healing took place.

Could it have
been from falling off a horse? A motorcycle? Could it have been carrying bags
larger than me or picking up mom  – while she screamed,
“Connie Lynn! You’re going to hurt yourself!”

Maybe. But
recent x-rays tell us that I did some serious damage some 20 years ago.

This requires some math. I’ll be 41 later this month. Subtract 20. I was, 21. Where
was I? I was at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. But did I ever fall? Well,
there was that contest. Yes, a dumb contest. How high can you get your leg? My
friend grabbed my leg and held it high above my head. Impressive. Then some
stupid, but cute, guy (not Don) thought he could help and shoved it back just a little
further. It threw me up and back crashing on the concrete. I remember laying
there trying to be all cool but it was difficult as donkey-like hee hawing noises
seeped out of my mouth along with some language I’m sure DL Moody wouldn’t
approve of…   nor my mother.
Yup. Don Rock and I in college. (Just friends)

Since that
time I’ve had occasional discomfort and pain. I
refused to have problems with my back. But in the last 10 years I can remember
times when my lower back has locked up for short amounts of time. I’d throw it
out but it would return to what I thought was normal. Then 2013 rolled around
and the discomfort turned into pain, and when I say I can’t ride a
roller coaster because of the pain, I mean it. I can’t. Don’t make me.
complained more often and it became my response to anyone who asked, How are
you? The 3 months leading up to my last trip in India were rough. I
couldn’t bend.  I had a new walk, a new way to sit, to get up and
sit down. Less than attractive but it worked.

But I knew
something was very wrong. So I went to the family physician and paid my $30
co-pay to be told take Prednisone. It will help.

Prednisone! I
filled it but knew it’s just a temporary fix. So, I didn’t take
it. Nope. But I did carry it around. I’m good at that. Big bag, can carry.

August I returned to India. I threw more bags on my back. Endured more
flights with my knees up my nostrils and picked up children who need hugs. Or
maybe I needed the hugs. Yes, that’s it. I needed the hugs. But I digress

Then Dubai happened. I couldn’t say no! A 36-hour layover in Dubai.
Yes, please, and thank you! So of course I wanted to do something special. And
we did.  It was going to be ride camels in the dessert, enjoy dinner while
watching belly dancing at sunset and ride all over the dunes while clipping off
the tops of them at top speed while listening to PSY. Our drivers choice. I
loved every moment and cheered him on…my bad. Dune bashing = pain and fun.

I returned home on the August 14 and have been walking like a 100
year old since. After a week of sleepless nights tears from pain, and many
conversations with God about this. I saw a chiropractor.  He took an
x-ray and found that I have
degenerative discs leading
to other issues.
  I look like the example on his wall of what you
don’t want.

I’ve seen him
nearly every day. $30 co-pay each visit. (Praising God for a friend who made a
donation to help with these!) While I feel things moving around and some areas
improving I still have terrible pain. I have Sciatica.

Anyone besides
mom still reading this?  If so, you have permission to stop. Just say a
prayer and move on.

Sciatica is not a disease, rather a symptom.
I feel the pain from my left hip/butt all the way down my left leg, calf, and
ankle. It burns, it aches it…. doesn’t go away. This is known as referred
pain. It is the sciatic nerve being pinched, irritated, or crushed somewhere
along the spinal column from the base of the neck down into the foot and toes.
 Mine happens to be where I landed when I crashed on the concrete at


sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body in that it runs all the way down
the body. Sometimes it gets so tight that I loose my breath. Ever had a charlie
horse/cramp?  Muscle spasms? Yes, like that. In my hip, my butt and my calf at one time.
Not to mention the burning, the sudden sharp pains that come out of nowhere.

I find that I
slide down the back of a chair to sit and groan when getting up. Those handles
in vehicles come in handy but pretty sure one of these days I’ll jerk it off
the car. It’s difficult to sit or lay down. If only I could sleep standing.
I’ve slept in every position my body will allow and it hates me. I’ve slept on
the couch, the floor with pillows everywhere. I hiss like a snake  – I
can’t help it. It’s sucking in the pain. I still cannot apply heat, as there is
still too much swelling. Only ice. 20 minutes on and 20 off. I gave in a few nights ago and am taking the Prednisone.

For the rest
of you who had nothing better to do then to continue reading my sob story, thank
you. It’s been helpful to vent. I’m anxious to get back to normal and leading

Pray I
sleep. For Don, who himself is recovering from his ACL

Good thing
we’ve got my healthy 70 some year old parents helping us out…and living with us currently! Love them.

Much to be
grateful for much. Friends and family – I’d hate to go through this alone as many do.
I was reminded of this when Don preached at Lanier Hills church on Sunday. I love what he said, that he is convinced that God is good no matter what, that His love is greater than everything in existence, and that even in seasons that are harder than others, this is still true.