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We are back in Detroit, MI. Laura is doing so well. Doctors and nurses are amazed at her progress. She is awake, talking and eating. If you would like to follow her daily updates, please check out her new website at Leave your comments for her at the link above. 


We know that it is only through God… that Laura is with us today!  We are so thankful for family, friends, body of Christ and life!  AIM has been extremely support of us all… and has given us the time needed to be with family. Thank you! At this time we are not sure the date we will return to GA. 



Us with…Dad Rock, Mom Rock, sister Shelly and nieces Mikayla and Shelby. (Not in picture…Ashliegh, Kelsey and Joel)

Sister Patti, Dave, nephews Jake, Joe and niece Rachel. 


Shelly, Don, Patti and Mom and Dad Rock.