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At AIM I am surrounded by such great writers and bloggers that it
can often be intimidating.  But I’ve been told I will need to do more of it…more as to why on a
later post. I’ll be honest with you… I usually
send my blogs to a friend to edit. To fluff, unfluff, and check for grammar. I’m
grateful for people with this gift. All that to say is…there is so much more
I want and need to tell you about India, but it will have to wait. I have
another trip I’m heading off on and want to make sure it’s on your radar.
This coming Wednesday, I head to THAILAND
for 21 days to lead two separate teams. 
Thailand..located in Southeast Asia, is bordered by Burma, Laos and Cambodia. This kingdom is home to 64
million people who primarily speak Thai and where most believe in Theravada
Buddhism. It’s a beautiful place to visit and honeymoon with great shopping and beaches. Unfortunately, the red light district in some of the cities
attract an uglier form of tourism: women, children, and men from Thailand and
other nations are exploited as prostitutes. It’s called – HUMAN TRAFFICKING…modern

Here’s what you can pray for during
this trip.

-Team unity.

-Don and I as we are apart.



-There has been is severe flooding in
Thailand and close to 300 dead.

-The one and only God to be present,
freedom, and redemption!
I want to end by sharing Lee’s story
from AIM’s website:

Lee and her family sometimes go days
without eating. Her father has been out of work for months and her mother is
dying from an unknown disease. Lee is the oldest of six children who do little
more than exist in a small Cambodian village. She is eight years old.

One day a man from the city comes to
visit. He is a business man who wants to help this poor family. He offers to
buy Lee for 25 dollars. Promises are made that she will be put in school and
well taken care of. This money could sustain the entire family for months. It
could buy the necessary medicine to bring the mother back to health.

A deal is made and Lee is given only
minutes to pack her things and say her goodbyes.

When she crossed the border into
Thailand, she was taken to a bar. This bar acts as the front of a brothel. Lee
was deceived and forced into prostitution. At first, Lee tries to resist but
the brothel owner quickly beats her and threatens to harm and kill her family
if she doesn’t comply. She is nothing more than property now, and the request
of every man who enters must be met.

Lee spent the next eight years of her
life caught in torment and fear before she was finally rescued. She has endured
unthinkable abuse and been exploited in every possible way. She now lives in a
shelter for children who have been sexually trafficked. She met a team of
missionaries last week. They came to sing songs and tell her about their friend
named Jesus. Lee saw something in the eyes of those missionaries that she had
never seen before: hope.