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We’ve been back from our Texas/Mexico trip
for a couple of days now. Thank you for your prayers. It was great catching up
with some of you while there – trips never seem long enough to see everyone.
Although our time in Mexico was short, we enjoyed seeing the AIM staff and
Novas participants.  

in Mexico we went with the Almanzars to
visit a women (Marissa) who lives along side the main road…with her 8
Riding home one day, Shannon felt the nudge to stop and leave food with
women. At that time they did not realize the number of family members
living in
the one mud room…sleeping on the floor. The Almanzars and Novas team
continued to pour into this family, providing goats to raise and sell.
There is
much more to this story and I hope to share more at a later date. At
this time,
we have plans of sending an Ambassador team there this summer to help
build a home for Marissa and family of 8. In order for this to happen
the land
needs to be purchased…at around $2,500. Please keep this in your

Marissa’s home where she lives with her 8 children. All of which, sleep on the mud floor.
The kitchen.
Don and the Almanzar family checking out the goats.
The Almanzars gave them goats to raise…they boys within a matter of
days, built this fenced in area. 
For those of you from Houston – notice the Cy-Fair t-shirt!
The Almanzar family with Marissa and some of the kids. The oldest is in the striped shirt, age 15.

The land they are hoping to purchase for $2,500 for a home.