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2:32 p.m Mom and dad Rock are talking to Doctors as I type… the surgery was to be at 1:00 but got pushed back. We know they had to do a CT scan to make sure of her brain activity. We don’t know the results…maybe they are telling them now. We sit here praying that it’s good news…


4:26 p.m Doctors tell us that Laura does have pneumonia.  


5:38 p.m This past hour it sounded like it wasn’t going to happen at all…but they said they will be preparing her soon for surgery although she has pneumonia and her brain pressure numbers need improvement. We pray that she comes out without complications, a functioning liver and no brain damage. God willing, this will begin within the hour and will take 6-8 hours. We head back for one last visit before they move her …and pray, thanking God for Laura.

Thank you all for your prayers and kindness…we see your love for Laura.