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I love what we do. What we do…I’m not always exactly sure. It’s a bit of everything at any time, but it’s all relational. I love it. It’s missional living, it’s community, it’s stepping out of our comfort zones, it’s freeing and so rewarding!


This past Sunday, we had the privilege to share at our Holland, Michigan church. Most of you know that I do not like to be in front of large crowds let alone speak in front of them.  But, it’s part of what we do: share with others about the way God is moving in lives of those around the world and their need for a Savior. We share about those dying alone, those without parents and those being persecuted. I feel so inadequate! How can I possibly put into words all of these needs? So I pray, take a deep breath and trip (literally) on my way to the front of the church. Then…get this, accidentally I said… the one phrase I avoid at all cost…”SUCH AS.” Really! I said it…SUCH AS…then mumbled something about Miss South Carolina and referred to her and the Iraqs.  Why God? No answer, but I’m pretty sure He was smiling…if not laughing. So I did too…


I love what I do. I love our families, our friends, our churches and how they have extended such grace to us especially despite all our short comings. They have come along side us in this journey and encourage us as we attempt to be obedient servants to whatever God calls us to. Thank you for supporting us as we share His love to people everywhere…SUCH AS to those in Gainesville and around the world……….“for the children”. 


For those not sure what I’m referring to…watch the Miss South Carolina interview at