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We began early in the evening Friday night, after hours of prayer and worship, carefully putting on our armor. At 11:00pm, we headed out for dinner in a little breakfast joint near one of the main hubs of sex trafficking in GA. Midnight came and we split into groups of 5-6. Up and down the streets we walked, stopping at a gas station here, and a novelty shop there. Surrounding us were “motels”… and business was booming. We sat on the curbs, huddled in groups to pray. Many of us approached women or were approached for a conversation. We never talked about their jobs, but instead built relationships. It was early in the morning when we regrouped and returned to our place of worship to intercede on the behalf of our new friends. There was a time of cleansing and worship.  By the time we arrived home, it was 6:00am.
This group meets every Friday, no matter how busy their week was or how full their weekend schedule. Rain or clear, windy, cold, or calm, they walk the streets looking to love on those who make their living in their dark corners. I have a lot of respect for those men and women, their dedication and ministry with these individuals, and their heart for the hurting in their city.
We hear of these things happening around the world…but it’s here as well. Not all of us can afford to head overseas, but we can help those in our backyard.
All this to say, over the last year my heart has been broken for those involved in human/sex trafficking. I’ve wanted to go to Thailand where we send teams to invest in these women bought in regards to human/sex trafficking, where sex is cheap. Paying for their time, which we use to build relationships, we pay them the respect they deserve and spare them of the brutality that awaits them later. The goal is to get them out of this “business” and in the process, share the freedom and love they can experience in Christ. In addition, for a while now I’ve wanted to visit a friend who lives in a undisclosed location, where she has lived for a couple years now working with children, babies who are raped…continuously. 


So when I was invited to the FOX Theater in Atlanta to see the screening of a short movie called “The Candy Shop”, I jumped at it. Here is what CBS Atlanta has to say about it.
The Candy Shop” is about the sex trafficking epidemic here in Atlanta and around the world. The film was shot here and premieres tonight at the Fox Theatre. Atlanta native Brandon McCormick is the director of this film and he stopped by to tell us why he made this film.”

To catch a sneak at the film, watch the below. (you may have to search Stop The Candy Shop, if it takes you to a different clip)

Here is the Stop The Candy Shop site.
Please take a moment to check out ways you can get involved.

I’d like to remain involved with these ministries in ATL, but would also love to visit and care for the children, women and friends who live in Thailand and elsewhere. If you’d like to help me financially – please click the support link to the left. More importantly, please pray! Find a way to STOP this.

As always  – THANK YOU!

3 responses to “STOP The Candy Shop”

  1. Connie–Betsie and I are curious. Is this something that AIM is involved with or did you do it on your own with a local church or ministry?

  2. Connie, my heart breaks with yours for these women and children. With tears in my eyes I pray God would use you in mighty ways as He has surely put a specific calling on your heart. I pray He would give you the direction and finances you need. Let us know when you get a trip planned and how we can help.
    love you and miss you,
    Katie, your long LOST friend