landed from his trip to Kenya, I was on the plane to Nicaragua. This was a
follow up trip to the one Don and I took in October to visit the First Year
Missionary (FYM) team.

who has been with AIM for 4+ years. When Kayla joined AIM, she was a
participant on a First Year Missionary trip, and is now organizing the training
camps. In addition my friend, Dianne Pruim from MI joined us at the last

Above: Dianne

with the team prior to their “Spring Break”. Afterwards, some chose to return
home (to the US) to visit friends, family, churches…supporters. Others took the
week to travel and bask in God’s creation. So we did the same and headed out
with some of the team and their leader and our good friend – Tana Turner
by Tica Bus to Costa Rica. This was a sweet time of loving, caring, praying for
one another…as we like to say “Speak Life!”

meet some of the Short Term Missions team from Athens, GA. Their stories were
just more confirmation of God’s working in Nicaragua. Please pray for our
missionaries who have settled in long-term there…The Kayes and their two children.
In addition, pray for the base that they have invested in and are using to house
the First Year Missionaries, hold church every other week, Bible studies, a 24
hour house of prayer …and in the future a library for the community. They call
it El Puente!…in Spanish…The Bridge. It’s a great team of individuals who
are committed to many different ministries in Granada, Nicaragua. Please keep
them and this community in your prayers. Thank you.

Hey Connie,
So great to hear that your trip went well and that you were able to hang out with Tana and ‘pour into her’ as AIM loves to say. P.S. Why post Tana’s link… she hasn’t updated it since October!!!! Haha!
Allie and I decided that you’ve never looked better,Connie… I’m sure you’re just as beautiful on the inside as you’ve always been! We all love you both and hope we can see you and Don soon!!!
d,d & a (h,too)
I continue to be in awe of your life’s travels and influence on people from around the globe. You make it seem so small. If I could put a pin a world map in every place you have been since at AIM and even before with all your mission trips with various churches. And then connect the pins with a string I think that would an awesome site. 🙂
May you continue to offer that great gift of insight and understanding to other ministry people around the world!
PS. I must agree with Diane and Allie, you are looking maaaarvelous! 🙂
PSS. I am glad that Diane P. got to travel with you. The last time I talked with her she was sad that it wasn’t going to work out. But obviously God had other plans!