Has it only been six weeks since I last wrote? So much has happened! We have found ourselves in another busy season…one of celebration. It’s both humbling and spectacular.
The first weekend in April, Don and I drove to Indiana for my 21st high school reunion… the first one my class has ever had. Of the dozen or so people in my class, over half of us were there with our families…and our class sponsors, Steve and Becky Swope. It was great to see so many friends from so long ago, to remember, to laugh, and to realize the connection of our distinct childhood relationships still exists. Ironically, this reunion happened one year after my return to Tambo in Bolivia, the school I attended for 8 years. It was a great time to remember, to heal… and I left so thankful to have lived the life I have. I am so blessed.
THEN | 1990
NOW | 2011 (minus some sadly… who couldn’t make it)
The next weekend was a promise kept, one made years ago to two friends who wanted to go on a trip the year of their 30th birthdays. So Caroline, Driver, Don, and I met in AZ and visited the Grand Canyon and spent the weekend celebrating life… the thirtieth birthdays of two dear friends, Don’s 40th birthday, and Don and my 17th anniversary (which was June 4th). Surrounded by God’s beauty, we played. And laughed. And played and laughed a whole lot more. It was a short but full trip.

The third weekend in May was another Leader Training for Field Support. This time it was in the mountains of Tennessee, literally out of cell phone and internet range. In all we trained 52 people- Ministry Coordinators, Summer Interns, Support Staff, Worship Leaders, and Project leaders. When the training ended, all of the Ministry Coordinators, Summer Interns, and Support Staff immediately went on the field for 10 weeks. That was the kick off to our summer season, the busiest three months of the year… and what we as Field Support and STM work towards throughout Fall, Winter, and Spring. With teams constantly going to, serving on, and leaving the field, this is a busy time for us- but a time to rejoice as we see God work not only in the nations, but in our participants, leaders- ourselves…as well. (can you spot me below?)

Two weeks later, good friends of ours, Talia Barnes and Joe Bunting, married in the front yard of Talia’s family home. After Joe proposed back in February, Talia asked me to decorate the wedding. I’ve spent the spring dreaming with her, shopping for decorations, and making some of my own. For the last two weeks, my life was waking up, working at the office, then going over to the wedding site to make it match the picture in Talia’s head. With the help of a few friends and mom, we pulled it off. It was a beautiful wedding… a great celebration. And while I was pleased with the decorations, the most beautiful part of all was the love my two friends have for each other, their families, and their Lord. It was my pleasure to use something I love to bring them joy; and so restorative to use my creative heart to serve God. I look forward to more opportunities to do this in the future. I look forward to sharing more about this in the future.
I’m currently in Costa Rica and fireworks are going off out my window. We have a team of 70 from Nebraska who are flying down on Monday for a week long trip. Please pray for me, my support staff, and the team as we serve God in Central America. We are excited; however I have a sinus infection and am wiped out. I need to pace myself better going forward. Please pray for healing for my body; for strength, energy, and wisdom as I lead this team. I can’t wait to tell you about what God does.
While I’m gone, Don will travel to Florida for the summer youth camp for Fellowship Bible Church. After six months at the church, he’s more settled into his role and really enjoying it. School ended a few weeks ago and it’s time all the fun summer activities youth groups are known for.
But that’s not all.
Don has a Bucket List, but not the kind you might be thinking of. It’s a bucket list of things he’d like to do for others before he dies, things like grow a garden and donate the products to local food banks (which he’s doing), driving Meals on Wheels (once a week!), and donating his hair to Locks of Love. It was hard for me to see his long curls go, but I know someone will really be blessed by his gift. It’s really more of a sacrifice for me, I think!
To read about his bucket list, go to his blog: http://donrock.tumblr.com/.
I (Connie) will return from Costa Rica, only to take off a few days later for California, where a group leader has requested that myself and Kristen come out and help train his team before our trip. Then on July 6, I’m leading in the Dominican Republic until the 15th. Don will lead a missions trip for the church in Haiti at the same time, so we’ll be on the same island…just different countries! Yes, we do miss each other.
Then, in August, comes India. I am so excited about this trip, as is Don! Serving in a leper colony is also on his bucket list, and it was his dream that got this trip going in the first place. In order for him to go, he’ll need to raise $2500. It can be sent to my support account at AIM as always, and will just be applied towards his trip. You can help by clicking on the support me link to the left. (and pray!)
As I sit here and reflect, my mind fills with things I need to do. My heart is full of gratitude. We are thankful for each and every one of you, for your commitment to pray and support us, not only in missions but in life. We are thankful for reasons… and we have so many of them to celebrate.
Thankful for a God who loves celebration, who created them… and who, I’m sure, kicked up His heels and danced at the wedding of the century last weekend. I LOVE CELEBRATING!
I’m so exited to see you guys using life as a mission. How you have extraordinary love within your friendships, and how through that you guys are changing a generation.
Praying for you guys and the crazy placements.
PS: Connie please say high to everyone in Costa Rica and that I miss them a ton!
I just read Kristen’s blog before yours. Please tell me you copied her or she you or something…………. If you guys just accidentally started your blogs the same……… I don’t know what to say. Maybe you should get out more? 🙂 MT
What a cool picture of our old Tambo friends. Everyone looks great. I had to take a second look at some; hard to tell who is who! So glad you had a chance to reconnect. Wish we had a chance for a reunion, but it is hard with so few classmates and I haven’t been in touch with anyone really. You look awesome–as usual! Hope you got my picture announcement for Marcus. Talk to you soon.
Love you ~Nik
LOVE YOU! Prayed for you today. Keep focused and have a ball. Miss you tons.
love how you always embrace life – and the wedding surpassed anything i could have dreamt up myself. muah!
Connie: It was great reconnecting with you, meeting your husband, and hearing your heart-renching story. Good to hear what’s happening with you now, too. May you and Don be extremely blessed.