mission trips, I have seen an number of VBS or children’s programs. They all seem to have the same
elements: games , songs, stories, drama, crafts, and plenty of kids. Our teams experience was no different. The team shared the stories of Daniel in
the lions den, David and Goliath, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The stories focused on God’s faithfulness,
provision, and protection.

Nothing that our
team did was particularly unique on this trip but there is one moment that I
think will be forever etched in my mind.
It was on the day that the team presented the story of David and
Goliath. The way that the team
told the story was through a narrator and then the rest of the team acted out
the story.
The Children in the
church were captured by the story right away. As the narrator described the conflict between God’s people
and the Philistines. When Goliath
was introduced, I think even some of the young children were a bit
frightened. Goliath was played by two
guys on our team one sitting on the others shoulders creating the image of a
So the story moved
towards the climatic moment where David faces Goliath with his sling and five
stones. It was in that moment that
I experienced something I never have before in a children’s program! David took Goliath down. …he dropped to
the ground and then the room erupted in screams of joy! The Children were celebrating the
defeat of Goliath. It was a
celebration that was filled with yelling, dancing, laughter, and cheers! This went on for minutes! As I watched and listened to their
rejoicing it mad me thinking that their celebration must have resembled what
the Israelites where feeling when Goliath went down. I can honestly say I witnessed and learned about pure
celebration at the wonders of God’s works.

Love it!!! Yay! Miss you, too!
Good Stuff. We could all use more celebration in our lives. Maybe if we were all more child like then…..
Great picture