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 Connie wrote this on her team blog a few days ago:
When the team arrived in Guatemala my laptop broke down….prayed over laptop and it came back. At internet cafe
right now.

are all well and enjoying San Pedro! This morning we went to a Baptist
church with the 1 month Ambassador team and later this evening we will
attend another, where we will be singing, sharing, drimes etc. Sorry we
are unable to post pictures right now. Wish we could – it’s beautiful
as are the people!

This is such a talented team of girls. The
three of us leaders are loving every minute with them. Our team times
are filled with great discussions worship and prayer. Tomorrow is
another exciting day….they don’t know this….yet – but we are
surprising them with a boat ride across a part of the lake to Santiago
where we will be doing prayer walks, VBS and school program.

If possible, we will have another update tomorrow
To Check out all the Ambassador team blogs follow the link below: