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Right now I find myself in the midst of a time of preparation. There is a lot of work going into forming teams for this summers Ambassador Trips. Currently, I spend most days talking on the phone interviewing potential trip participants, recruiting leaders, or gathering information about our ministry locations. I think through all of the things that each individual needs to adequately ready themselves for their upcoming trips.

These times of preparation are very important and the idea of spending time in training before launching out into ministry is Biblical. Moses, Paul, the disciples, and even Jesus…all had times of training/preparation before they launched out into ministry.

One of my responsibilities as Coordinator for the Ambassador program is to provide training for both the leaders and the participants. We have a leader training camp in April for all of our leaders. At this training, leaders will get information and practical training that will lay the ground work for the team that they will lead this summer. The training camps for the participants takes place the first week of each trip.

I am excited as I think of the leaders that we are equipping and empowering to lead. It is thrilling to imagine the time they will have to model Christ, participate in ministry with, and assist in raising up young leaders in the body of Christ. Many things need to take place between now and the June training camps. I am very energized as I think about the transformation that will take place in the many lives of the participants, leaders, and those that we minister to.

I would appreciate all of your prayers for:

· The Ambassador Team leaders

· The teams of students (ages 15-18) that are going on the trips

· The locations we will be ministering (The Amazon, Peru, Swaziland, Ireland, Thailand, Philippines, New York, and Dominican Republic)