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I’m excited to share God has provided enough money
for me to book a ticket to Peru! I’m trusting the remaining amount will arrive
soon. Thank you for your prayers and support. I will keep you posted as I can.
Unfortunately Don won’t be able to go with us. I look forward to meeting the
pastor and seeing the area our team will work with and in this summer. 
Nauta is located in the Amazon Jungle, on the edge of the river. I leave on the

On another note…
I’ve been given the opportunity to use my “creative” gifts. One is
designing the van signs that are being driven by our AIM Haiti teams in Haiti.
Our Adventures in Missions – Mercy in
vans were to be flown in by cargo planes, but are soon to arrive
instead by boat. AIM’s blogging teams have arrived safely as have my van
magnets. It’s not much, but its fun to say, “my design/photo is in
Haiti” That will have to do until God allows Don and I the opportunity to
go help firsthand. Please pray about this with us. Thank you.




Here are
some links to follow AIM’s work in Haiti:

The other “creative” outlet I’ve had recently, is a home on loan to
AIM, here in Gainesville for an indefinite amount of time. It’s a beautiful but
run down lake house. We will use it to house missionaries as they return home,
train teams and house leaders. I’m in the process of collecting furniture,
supplies, carpet, floors etc…to be donated to the use of this home. I’m
looking forward to pulling out my paint swatch book, painting, and decorating!
What a blessing this house will be to so many who need a place to crash.

4 responses to “Peru | February 18-23”

  1. Just wanted you to know that I read your blog EVERY time you post and that I’m so VERY excited that you’re coming to Peru. Amen.

  2. May your travels be safe and may you have a wonderful experience! Let’s talk when you get back, Michael & I, along with another couple are considering going to Haiti for our anniversaries (November) to give back to others and begin our joint celebration of our anniversaries with service. It would be totally great if God decided we should all go together!

    Your next few months are quite busy; but I’m impressed with your creative works!! Way to go!!