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This fall has been full of activity and it hasn’t been until
just the last few days that we’ve felt like there has been a moment for pause.
For this we are very grateful.

Most of the AIM staff from the office have cleared out for
the holidays and it is a bit of “silent night” around Gainesville.  It is
in this time that we are hoping to find some moments to reflect and rejoice in
our Savior.  In the busyness of life and ministry…we are excited about this
extra time. Recently I began  to feel distant in my relationships, most
importantly my relationship with Christ.  

If you are like me and are in need of a “pause” I hope that
you get to take it.  We wish you a wonderful time with your friends and
family, but most of all we pray that you have some great moments with our
Connie and I want to also take this moment to thank all of you who have partnered with us in support and prayer.  We know that without many of you being behind us we would not be able to be involved in this ministry.  We consider you and the relationships that we share to be a gift, a gift that we are very thankful for.
Merry Christmas!

8 responses to “Pause”

  1. Merry Christmas! Thanks for the new picture it is more like my memory of you. May 2009 be a time of blessings for both of you.

  2. Thanking God for both of you. I have been touched by your ministry and my little corner of the world has changed in positive and important ways because of it. It’s not just orphans and young people you minister to.

    Merry Christmas!
    Much Love, Pat

  3. You guys have a very Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year. We miss & love you two.
    Les & Lisa

  4. Don & Connie,

    It has been one incredible year for you both in my opinion. Travels all over this world of ours, and some pretty serious health issues for family members.

    And yet through it all, there you stand once again together, a beautiful Christmas card!

    I hope this “pause” lets you reconnect with each other and with other loved ones as well as your Creator.

    I know that is what we are hoping to do with both our “boys” home from college.

    Merry Christmas,
    Duane 🙂

  5. Merry Christmas Don and Connie!
    We pray that you both feel the presence of our Lord during this Christmas season and during upcoming new year! We miss you and truly love you both so much…can’t wait until we can visit again!