it, watch the video below. Look into the faces of the young girls-and boys-who
are trafficked across borders and into the suffocating darkness of the
brothels, the street corners, and the bars. This is the fastest growing
criminal industry today.

The two-year AIM team we’re going to support and the team in
the Hard Places Community have relationships with these women, teens, and
children. They know their stories. They have seen their pain firsthand. I can’t
begin to comprehend what all they have seen and experienced.
The thing about the sex trade is that it isn’t a something a
short term trip can stop. It takes people committed sacrificing everything, to
intentionally move into this community and live in amongst those trafficked. It
takes prayer… and more prayer… and after that… even more prayer. It takes
people willing to fight for the helpless, to live their faith in a world that
wants nothing to do with Him. It takes arms ready to encircle the hurting
child, hands painting the nails of a prostitute, and compassionate hearts,
broken and beating for the freedom of those they love. It takes an Almighty
The missionaries in Southeast Asia are literally on today’s front
The prospect of going and hearing these stories, seeing for
myself the horror that is going on just on the other side of the ocean, doesn’t
excite me. I don’t get a thrill from seeing pain. I’m not going for a few good
stories, tear jerking pictures, or a stamp in my passport. I’m going because of
those who have gone before- and are still there. To support. Encourage. To
listen. To pray. To join those there for a short time in their ministry and
pour myself out as much as I can. And that excites me.
Thank you to everyone who responded to my last blog with
prayer and support! I wanted to write and let you know that God provided a gift
above what we needed for the “missionary fun day” for the girls. Thank you!
I still need personal support for this trip, so if you were
considering giving, it’s still very needed. In fact, I still need $800 to
completely pay for this trip. If you feel God leading you to give, please click
to the left where it says “Support Me” and go from there.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I am excited for you. Connie you are the right person to go, pour out, and support the team there. I know that they will be blessed because you will be sharing with them all that Christ has blessed you with.
Connie, I am amazed at how God is using you. It’s awesome to see His work in our world. I will be praying 🙂
Thank you Connie for stepping forward to raise awareness of and minister to these women and children. We’ll be praying for you and the AIM team.
Aunt Connie, I think going on this trip is such a brave thing to do. I’ll be praying for you and the AIM team! Love you!
Can I be a prayer warrior for you? Well, I’m asking, but I already plan on it, so……….
Me –
This is day one of your visit and I’ve already been so blessed and encouraged by you! Thanks for hanging out even though you were both probably so exhausted! I can’t say thank you enough for everything.