Before leaving for Bolivia on the 25th, we hope to have this March newsletter in the mail. It’s a busy week, let’s see if it will happen.
In the future we will post the newsletters on our blog for those of you who would prefer to receive it like this. It helps us save printing and postage. I know the text is small…sorry. Please let us know if we should stop sending them to you the old snail mail route. Go to the left of the screen in the MAIN MENU, click on Contact Us.
A couple things have happened since it was written. Our leader spring training is over and we could not be happier with the group of them. They are a solid group who love God, people and Kingdom work. They range from their 20’s to 60’s and come with all kinds of experience. We look forward to sharing more about our time with them when we return.
Thank you for your support and prayers,
The Rocks
please tell me how you posted this on your blog. i NEED to do this too.
and also, i miss your stinkin’ faces. i NEED to come to gainesville again soon!
miss you!