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April 13, 2008

[Laura’s Update]

9:35 a.m. Laura is awake, numbers are stabilizing. The Doctor says he is amazed at her progress! However, she still has a long ways to go and is not out of the woods yet. Laura is talking but is very confused.  With Laura’s best interest in mind…visitors are still not permitted to visit with her. We hope that soon, that time will come when she can see all the people who love her dearly.  Until then, use the following information to support and love her, the family and one another.  If you would like to help in another way, please ask Mom and Dad Rock before doing so.   



Here is Laura’s new website!  Thank you…Tim for setting this up! Although we appreciated the offer, you may notice that we will not be using the account set up by her friends. Instead, we’ve opted to do something different. We want to handle this in the way that would benefit Laura the best.  For those of you who have asked how they can help, please check it out at Laura’s new site. Thank you.  

We loved what our friend Dianne had to say just recently…so, here it is again. “Many of us are good at responding to crises, but not so good at staying in for the long haul (myself included). I want to encourage all who have been reading these updates to stick with it on the new blog as well. Write Laura and the Rock family IN INK on your prayer list. And continue writing comments…besides encouraging Laura and family…they are encouraging to those of us who have never even met Laura, but have come to care deeply for her.”

We’d love for you all to continue to follow our blog (this blog). God is doing great and amazing things with and in people around the world! If you’d like to partner with us or hear more, please contact us through the email to the left or the “Support Me” link. Tomorrow we will post our April news/prayer letter.   As they say often around AIM (Adventures In Missions)…We are “WRECKED” for Christ! – Connie and Don Rock