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Two weeks ago we posted our
schedule for the Spring. Since that entry, God has brought an opportunity for us.
A good friend of ours…Crystal Reitsma (
is AIM staff living in Nauta, Peru, which is located in the Amazon Jungle. She
is currently in the Gainesville area and will return to Peru February 16.
While exploring opportunities for our Ambassador trip this summer, she
invited me (Connie) and our Administrative Assistant, Kristen (
to return with her and set up the trip with her. Because Crystal will go up
river soon, we are leaving in a few weeks…February 16-21, 2010. We found
tickets at a good price (even better, a straight shot to Lima and then a short
flight to Iquitos) but in order to go, I need to raise $400. This amount
includes flight, transportation, lodging, food, etc. We have prayed about this
and are amazed at how God has already worked out many of the details. He’s even
provided a portion of the cost already. We need to purchase tickets soon… so
the amount doesn’t go up. Will you pray about a one-time gift for this trip?

This trip is a time to love on Crystal as overseas staff, minister in the
area, and complete set-up for the team going to Peru this summer.
“Set-up” means we will meet with pastors, check out local
ministries, find lodging, and in general check out the area we are sending our
teams. Preparing the way..that entails a lot! There’s a lot of work we do
pre-trip so the teams can jump right in to ministry. It’s also important that
Don and I see firsthand the locations and ministry for the trips we’ve sent


-Photo of Nauta, Peru by Crystal R.

If you would like to give
towards this trip or partner with us monthly, just click on the 
“Support Us!” link to the left.

Thank you for praying about it… for your prayers,
encouragement, and support. It means more to us than you could ever know.