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Wednesday April 9, 2008

[Laura’s Update]

11:31 a.m. She yawned, kicked her foot and moved her arm! They are hooking her up again to dialysis…and going to remove the tube from her neck. She continues to rest and recover. Some of the liver test are starting to come down and others are remaining elevated.  Potassium was low so they have given her an IV of potassium.

Our hope is to soon create a blog designated to Laura and her journey to recovery. We will manage it until Laura is able to do so herself. On it we’ll be able to post more photos…and give updates. Please continue to support and encourage her, the rest of the family and each other through your comments. However, this blog will not always include information on Laura…but hope you continue to stay in touch with Don and I. Once the other website is set up, we will post the address here. So, the time has come for us to head back to Georgia where we have the privilege to serve God and others while working with Adventures In Missions. Once Laura wakes…which could be today or 4 weeks from now, we will jump in our car and drive back. It’s important that we are all there to support her in her long recovery. Life after a liver transplant dramatically changes ones lifestyle.  

Don’s parents will remain close to Laura’s room, as will Shelly, the girls and Patti and her kids. Please keep them in your prayers as some need to go back to work and school. The Rock’s have many friends who have helped out with food, laundry etc… Thank you!  If you would like to help or bring something, please call ahead. We’ve been showered with more food than we can eat!   

Blessings! -Crock