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We are at the end of our two week visit to Michigan. It’s been fun to reconnect with friends and family. Thank you all for your time and hospitality! Tomorrow we will be visiting our Beechwood Church family in Holland. 


Our trip was two-fold, reconnecting and recruiting. Last weekend during our time at the Genesis Retreat in Traverse City we had the chance to talk with many people…and hang out with some of the students from our time as youth directors at Beechwood Church. (see pictures… in the browse our photos section to the left of the page).


Shane Claiborne was the speaker and he shared from his book Irresistible Revolution.  We felt as if it was a great lead in for missions.  One student we met was Conway who is “Smarter than a fifth grader”. He won $175 playing the game… to donate to his favorite charity, which just happened to be AIM. Thank you Conway! (see picture…red shirt).


Interest was expressed in all areas of AIM – from group trips, to individuals going for a month up to a year. Even a couple who is considering going into full time missions, as well as a few who are interested in the World Race. Please keep these individuals in your prayers as they seek Gods direction.