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Tomorrow, I board the plane and head to Thailand once again. I once said, “Lord, anywhere but Asia”. Laugh with me… we’ve all done this with something. Over the last year, I’ve been to Asia 4 times and will be heading back 2 more times before 2012 closes. Besides leading projects for Adventures, my most recent role is as the Southeast Asia Advocate. Funny, eh? I’ve come to love these countries and the people, and am passionate about the ministries and those who have picked up their lives and moved there to live a missional life amongst the poor and hurting. 
Our accommodations are nice, very nice. In fact… there is a Starbucks less than 2 blocks away! Physically, it’s the easiest trip. Emotionally, it’s tough… heartbreaking. It’s beyond heart breaking. In fact, in that same Starbucks, you will find men sitting with young women. Maybe 13 years old? Spiritually, it’s so, so, so good. The Good Lord is present, alive…and is faithful.  There is the obvious battle against things not of this world, but we walk in confidence of the stronger man that lives within us.
Below are a few individuals I’m especially excited to see again.


For around $14 you can get a 2 hour foot massage….and I did a few times…. and I plan to return. During this time, I ask Noi questions and she responds, often with her own questions.  We do a lot of laughing. A lot! I’m a giant next to her and yet she can throw my leg over her head and tie me in a knot. Tiny but strong. Whenever, I walked by where she worked…I’d be sure to stop in for a quick hello.  I ask to pray with her, and she let’s me. Sadly, she believes in many gods.  I trust she will one day give her heart to the one true God. I will minister to her the best way I know how…accept and love her. Visit her, give her business. I’ve bought her a couple small gifts. (She has given me a couple pairs of fisherman pants – one right off her body as a thank you when I left)


He works at a German bar, sitting out front. As a “little person” he’s an attraction and brings people in. Who knew height could be a ministry tool!? We are quite the pair. I’ve spent hours sitting outside with him, while he reads his Bible. At one point in his life, he was a monk. He liked it, “It was peaceful,” he said, but he needed an income.  I get the feeling it goes much deeper.


I never figured out if she’s a ladyboy. But it doesn’t really matter. Behind the main strip of bars, lies another strip, each a little different from the last. The first night walking thru, she spotted me. Ok, not me…but my leather boot necklace. (To be honest, it’s my mother’s little boot necklace. It’s from her mission trip to Colombia in the early 70’s with dad). She came running over and asked about the boot. I gave her a bracelet and immediately began my Thai sign language/charades mixed with a few grunts and a piece of the Thai language here and there. Mainly, I give lots of cheesy smiles and hugs. This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship and routine. Every time I walked thru that area, out she came to grab the boot necklace and listen/watch me babble, grin …. make a goof out of myself. There are others, but these three I’m called back to. I’d love to have the gift of the Thai tongue to explain the gospel clearly. But nah, it’s so much more a God thang’ this way.


So packing takes place tonight. Don gets to get up extra early to drive Kristen and I to the airport. What a great support he is…truly blessed to have a husband of 18 YEARS (June 4th), who allows and encourages me to live in the manner. He will stay behind, watch the dogs, and then take off with Fellowship Bible Church for a junior high retreat. In 3 weeks…we will reunite, go out for dinner, and compare stories. We look forward to sharing with you as well!
 Above: Packing “Bertha” up…
Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and friendship. – Us, the Rocks.

3 responses to ““Lord, anywhere but Asia””

  1. No pearls of wisdom…I just liked being at your house on packing night. The ziplocs, the tuna, the crackers, the perfect clothing and the precision of a West Point drill team. Then…53# that “magically” becomes 50.

  2. Praying for you and your team!! I am stoked to be with you in August!! 🙂