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As many of you know, we were recently in Nicaragua. While we were there near the end of our trip
we went out to a neighborhood soccer field (think more field) to see some of
the Awakening participants lead a group of boys through soccer practice. While we were waiting for the team to show up
Connie and I made friends with two little girls, they were cousins.


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We talked with them a little, played, and laughed
together. Then as we sat off to the side
of the field and watched practice. In
the middle of the field there were a group of boys congregating. One of the little girls got our
attention. She said “watch me”.
She then proceeded to run to the middle of the field circling
the group of boys smiling and pointing at them. She returned to us and then gave us a blow by blow report of what those
boys were up to. She told us that they
were smoking drugs…using hand motions to describe it all.   This little girl was maybe six. I was struck by how much innocence was
lost. I know that she is aware of what
is going on around her,  but to her it
was just a reality of what was going on in her community.
Granada, Nicaragua – like many communities has many people
who are captured by the addiction of drugs and alcohol. We however are excited about what God is
doing through the missionaries and the churches that they have partnered with there. We saw people getting freedom. We also saw how people who were once slaves
to these addictions sharing about how Christ has given them freedom, changed
their lives, and now they are leading ministries helping others gain that same
freedom. Again, please keep Granada in
your prayers. Go visit. Beautiful place. Beautiful people.

4 responses to “Little Eyes”

  1. Apparently I’m going to have to send you money…you guys are still wearing the same shirts you were in the picture on your site. 🙂

    The pictures help tell so much of your story…thanks for sharing it with us.

    Love you both.

  2. Those are beautiful little girls. Seeing children laugh and smile is a wonderful sight. Thanks again for sharing…

  3. “Little Eyes”. Im thinking about how the evil of drugs and addiction lives so boldly in the open. No longer hiding in dark alleys and basements but thumbing it’s nose at us on soccer fields in Granada and urban street corners in DT everywhere.

    Do you recall the names of those beautiful little girls? WE should pray for them. I love, love, love the reporter- “watch me”. How cool that when SHE retells the story of this particular day- it won’t just be about the ‘bad boys.’ It will include you and your beautiful wife, the young missionaries who came that day and reclaimed the space and energy… so kids are kids, a soccer field is a soccer field, and God is present in her details.


  4. I love the smiles on all three girls! They could melt your heart. In the eyes of a child, there is hope, there is laughter, there is joy, there is trust, a chance to shape the future. Of the lessons in life, there is no greater teacher than to look in the eyes of a child. I pray these two little girls grow up to know Jesus and that their lives are truly blessed by Him. I’m sure they will remember you….

    Love you!