It took us two full days of travel to get from Gainesville, GA to the town of Musho in Peru, at the base of Huarzcuran (the tallest mountain in the Andes). Musho is the town where the Peru Highlands Ambassador team would be staying for three weeks. The team would be partnering with a local church. The pastor, Pedro had a vision to reach his town and the surrounding towns…primarily in the neighboring village of Tumpa. Tumpa was about a 20 minute walk from Musho. This walk was a great time for the team to build relationships, pray for the town, and prepare for the day of ministry that was before us.

The morning ministry in Tumpa consisted of the team splitting into two or three groups. We’d then spend time asking the Lord what he wanted us to do, and then walk it out in obedience. It was during many of these walks through the town attempting to follow God’s leading that we began many relationships with the people of Tumpa. I will say however, that sometimes the things we would hear from God in our listening prayer times in the morning weren’t always obvious.
One example of this was on the first day in Tumpa. I had this image of an empty glass of water. I didn’t understand why I was receiving this image while asking the Lord what we should do that day, but I filed it in the back of my mind.

As we wrapped up the conversations and made plans to meet again the next day pastor Pedro walked up. We introduced him to our new friends/brothers in Christ. Later that night as we walked back to Musho, pastor Pedro shared with the group of us that the two young men that had excepted Christ that day were leaders in the local gang in Tumpa. He said that they had attacked him the previous month and attempted to beat him. He was excited about their salvation and was hoping that they would serve the Lord with the same passion that they chased after the things of this world.
WOW!!! What a story! How totally awesome to see the use of common elements, the curiosity of seekers, and the willingness of believers to share their faith come together in such an inspiring way.
Thank you for sharing!
What do you know 🙂 The Gospel is really good news!
Praise God!!
Wow, what an amazing story!! Thank you for sharing all your experiences. We love them.