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It was almost a year ago – exactly – that my youngest
sister, Laura was in the hospital on the verge of death.  We were supposed
to be at AIM getting ready to start leader training and instead were on our way
to Michigan to see her – possibly for the last time.  Instead, Laura
survived! She had a liver transplant and now a year later she is moving out on
her own, and is healthy and working again.  Praise God! We are so blessed to be surrounded by such great friends, family and our AIM family who prayed and walk along side us. Thank you all!

A year later – our third year being involved with the Leader
training, and we are excited. Thankfully, both Connie and I were able to
participate. Connie has been releasing her other responsibilities and working
more with the Ambassador program as well as the leaders.  This year we
took a different approach during our training.  Much time was spent
focusing on: Who am I in Christ?  Who am I
as a leader?
and Who
are we as a group of leaders?

There were times of interactive teaching, shared
experiences/team building…like building a raft or surviving a “plane wreck”.
Other times were filled with worship and bonding with co-leaders.  All
evolved around different models of leadership and activities that could be used
with their team.

We are excited about the group of leaders that we have leading
our trips this year.  God has uniquely gifted each of them and is
preparing them for the many tasks they will face.  Their passion and
desire to point others to and connect them with Christ is contagious. 
Please keep them in your ongoing prayers. Next time we see them for further training, will be just a few days before the participants arrive in Gainesville.

the end of our training camp we found ourselves at AIM, facing a tragedy. 
One of our FYM (First Year Missionary) participants died in a car accident in
South Africa Sunday morning.  Seth Barnes speaks of this tragedy in his

ask that you join us as we pray for this young woman’s family, her teammates in
South Africa, and the leadership at AIM.

3 responses to “Leader training then and now.”

  1. thanks for sharing all you do and of the loss of one of GOD’s own young servants on foreign soil where she was much loved. blessings to all of you.

  2. You continually remain in our prayers and we are thankful for your updates! We so appreciate all the work you are doing and can see God’s hand evidently at work. Lots of love!

  3. Thanks for the updates. We check in regularly. So glad to hear of Laura’s progress… we pray for her every day.