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I have been back from Kenya for
almost five days now, and it all still seems like a whirlwind in my mind.
 Many of you know that the main reason that I was going was to help with a
team that we have serving in Kenya at this time.  The team has a number of
difficult circumstances to process through and my main responsibility was to
bring conversation to a focus on Christ and what He is doing in and through the
I spent four days traveling (two on
each end of the trip) and four and half days in Africa.  During my time In
Kenya, I split it between time at the team house and in Kibera.  I went to
ministry everyday with the team so that I could get a feel for what the team is
doing there.  The team is involved in several ministries.
They share their time between tutoring at a school, working with a pre-school,
ADIS ministry, Bible studies, program at a boy’s detention center, and
relational ministry with the people they have met walking through the town, and
a host of other ministries.  They have been very busy as a team.
My time was short but I did see God
at work in the ministries, the team, their leaders, and the churches they are
partnering with.  I would ask each of you to pray with me for this team as
they continue to work through heath issues and the strain of working day after
day in poverty and hunger attempting to offer the Hope of Christ.

3 responses to “Kenya”

  1. Welcome home, Don… hope we can talk soon. Thank you for your (and Connie’s) heart for ministry. We love and miss you.
    the Mrakovich Family

  2. My prayer is that God gives you all you need, His strength, compassion and love for the lost. I pray for your protection.