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Who wants to go to INDIA
with Us?

A few weeks ago, Kristen
and I were praying aloud in the car. At one point we found ourselves praying
about India and a possible opportunity to go there. At that point, it turned
into a dream- what if we could go? Who would go with us? When? What could we

Kristen has shared
her love for India over the years with me. I asked more about the contacts in
India, about the orphanage and the leper colony. Described a bit of what the
trip could look like. “Let’s look into it,” I said. “Maybe this could happen.”

We prayed about it
some more and then went our separate ways for the night. Kristen started
researching plane tickets, while I went home and forgot about it.  

The next morning
when Kristen came over to pick me up for work, she asked Don how he slept the
night before and he told us he had a funny dream. He dreamed he was in India,
at a leper colony. Kristen and I immediately looked at each other, surprised,
and I shook my head. “I didn’t tell him anything about our conversation,”

Since then, India
has repeatedly come up in our day-to-day lives.

SO, we are going to INDIA!

And you can come
with us.  As of today, it’s
Kristen, Don and myself. We have spots for 15.

Here’s what you
need to know:
When: August
24-September 2, 2011
Cost: $895/per
person + airfare
How to get on this
trip: Email me ASAP.
What will we do
there? Possible ministry includes working in orphanages, relational ministry at
the leper colonies, slum ministry, etc.
Where will we stay:
In a guesthouse outside of Delhi.
If you’re
interested, there are 3 things you can do:
1) Pray.
2) Please email me
and let me know!
3) If you don’t
already have a passport, go ahead and start the process THIS WEEK! In addition…you’ll
need a visa in order to get into the country, so you need a passport ASAP.
If you find you can’t go with us, but would still like to minister to those in India, you can do so by praying and/or supporting us financially. Just click on the Support Us link to the left of this page.
Pray about it! We look forward to hearing from you!
Photos | Kristen 

5 responses to “India. Yes. India.”

  1. I LOVE IT!!! You guys will all love it! Rusty and I are headed back there sometime within the next year too for The Sound of Hope…. probably Nov, Dec, or Jan 🙂 Hope you have an AMAZING time!