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Before I begin this next blog, I’m sad to say the original AWESOME pictures I selected to use…something happened to them. Ugh. I hope you can read a blog without pictures. I can’t. 🙂 I’d love to receive your comments and thoughts. I wonder if anyone is reading besides my mom. (Love you mom) You can send me a private email if you would rather not comment…but it’s nice to know we are not walking this journey alone. Thank you! 
Wednesday we met the team at a second leper colony…this one
being tougher to be at than the last. The children were aggressive, a great
sense of desperation.  Don and I were invited into one woman’s home
“room” and pointed to all the ‘gods” she has statues of and
asked us to pray. So in English, we rebuked Satan and all these ‘gods’ and
called out to the one and only God to fill this home and this woman. It was a
special moment… and a peace fell upon her. I pray that the only spirit in her
home today is that of our Father, the Holy Spirit!
Thursday, everyone woke up sad, not wanting to leave. The
children all stayed home from school so we could spend time with them. We’d
taken the time as a team to write cards to each child and staff member at Asha
House, and presented those to them. They, in turn gave us a framed picture of
the children of Asha House. I photographed each individual living at Asha…before
leaving. Next time I see them, I plan to do the same. I want to watch them grow
from children into men and woman with the same heart.
It was soon time to leave. We took off at midnight and
landed in Atlanta at 10:30am on Friday. Ten days on the other side of world,
ten days in India.
To all of you who prayed, all of you who sent in support,
THANK YOU so much. I hope to return again in the future and I would love for
you to come with us! Asha House would welcome you with open arms!

4 responses to “India there and back | Part 3”

  1. Hey!! I read your blogs and love the updates!! 🙂 Praying for you and Don! Love you and hope you have a blessed week!

  2. I always read Connie! Keep them coming. Wish I had more time to make comments. I will work on that! Enjoy the weekend.

  3. These three blogs about your trip to India was really interesting. I like to read about your travels and the work you are doing to build the body of Christ, the Church. You are in my prayers as the Lord leads. God continually bless you. Romans 16:24-25