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To catch up on Laura…read the following blogs to the left: of screen:


First the liver, then the kidneys and now her brain.


In picture…Back Row: Dad Rock, niece Rachel and brother-in-law Dave. Front Row: sister Patti, nephew Joe, nephew Jake and Laura. Christmas 2006


1:38 p.m.

Please stop by and visit with the family…but don’t expect to visit Laura. I’m sorry if this seems harsh…but it’s the best for her. Thank you for understanding and respecting the Rocks wishes. We want to provide healthy ways for all to process this and encourage one another. You can drop off cards, sign a guest book and leave pictures with us…and in addition to this site, our friend Tim LaBreche has set up a Facebook account – Praying for Laura.  Again, sorry if this upsets individuals…but it is a life or death situation. We do love you all and appreciate your concern for Laura…but again, please don’t expect to visit Laura’s room.


There is a possibility now that she may have pneumonia we are waiting for test results. With all that is going on with her body…she can not be in contact with anyone, she can not be agitated…her immune system is weakened. She will be on dialysis again…all day. Still no liver.

7 responses to “In Laura’s best interest.”

  1. We are praying and hoping. I’ve been in the ICU waiting area several times before…a very hard journey to be sure. Know that you are being lifted up daily. May God give you comfort and strength in this hard time.

  2. FYI 23 yr old Matthew McClain was shot in Birmingham , AL. yesterday. He was and organ donor and in great health. His Dad, Scott is a Realtor in Huntsville. Matt was an athelete in High school. Your hospital might want to check to see if the liver is compatable. Anyway, we are sending our love and prayers to all the family. We are praying Laura won’t need the liver and that God will heal her. In Christ’s love. Sandi

  3. Connie and Don, you and your family are in my prayers. God bless you with strength.

  4. Two years ago a good friend of mine and of Laura’s was in very similar circumstances to those Laura is now in… and Laura was amazing, not only helping raise money for her and her family, but being strong for the rest of us.

    Laura’s efforts, warmth, caring, and of course her smile helped get us all through a very difficult time… and our friend recovered even when the doctors didn’t think she would.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and with Laura.

    With Love and Hope,


  5. I keep thinking about the same circumstance Brice mentioned, Laura was a catalyst for bringing together an amazing network of supportive people for our friend when she was in such desperate need.

    Please know that there are so many friends of hers in Detroit who have been touched by her, and who are praying for her, and who would do anything to give her a hug and talk to her.

    Many hearts are praying for Laura and your family.