There I was…reading in my office, occasionally looking out my window at the shiny objects in the Georgia red dirt…(What are they?) when in walks another AIM staff member. She sits downs and we chit-chat and then hands me a white 3 ring binder…with a message. “I was asked to give this to you…to pray over.” Not sure how to respond, I think I laughed. Here’s all I know about the binder…it’s in Spanish and is filled with priceless pictures of children from an orphanage in Mexico that needs help. So…I began to pray. I pray that God’s will, will be done, for those involved in making the decisions concerning the future of the orphanage, and for those precious children that they would know the love of a Father…our Heavenly Father. As I sat there…still staring out my window at the shiny objects…I slowly blink and “see” Psalms 68. So, not knowing what Psalms 68 was…I looked it up…here is what verses 5-6 say…