How Do You Describe An Ambassador Trip?
with Adventures In Missions, we often just point them to the stories
being told. They tell so much more than clever words can say. Here are
a few things any high school student can expect on an Ambassador
mission trip with AIM:

“When we arrived at his house later that afternoon we started talking to
him and his two sons that lived with him. We decided that we would
pray for them… One of our team members decided to step up and ask if they were wanting
to make the decision to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Both
the son and father said that they would. It was an amazing thing to
witness.” Read more…
“Ministry doesn’t always happen in between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., specifically in a church or on a school playground. Ministry is a
lifestyle. This trip was structured specifically to be open to the leading of
the Holy Spirit. Everyday, there was some type of specific ministry,
but much of the day was spent in two very intentional ways:
Prayer/worship and in just living life.” Read more…
Rico, much of our ministry can also entail serving, loving, and pouring
into the other team members. Before we look out with distant vision,
which is often what we focus on in ministry, we need to be aware of
those around us-the hurts and joys of our team.” Read more…
To view a list of upcoming Ambassador mission trips for the summer of 2010, click here.