Update on Steph.Thank you for the prayers – she has improved over night! Things are looking better. Keep praying.
A few more hours and I hit the skies again!
Last summer I had the chance to lead two teams to the DR. Tomorrow, Wednesday, I return to these beautiful people and country. This time without my “regular” travel buddy, but instead with another friend and AIM staff – Allie Lousch! (another amazing writer) In total, there will be 24 of us ministering in Santo Dominigo. It is Semana Santa (Holy Week)…so it will be interesting to see how this affects the big city. As always, we ask for your prayers. Thank you! Please be watching for stories and pictures coming your way.
Don will be leading a missions trip from the church in Roswell to NC. They will be supporting Snow Bird Teen Ministries. We are so grateful for our friends and family who encourage and support us in this adventure, this life!
Blessings, Crock
when i grow up, i want to be wild & crazy in love with this good life (& a smashing photographer) as you. can’t wait. putting my big girl undies in a bag…