November I wrote telling you about the recent ministry God brought into my
life, from meeting domestic missionaries in Atlanta who work with prostitutes,
strippers, and their customers, to the film I saw called STOP the Candy Shop, concerning sex trafficking in the States.
slavery is one of the most brutal, horrific, and cruel practices in our world.
The stories I’ve heard from friends who’ve ministered personally in Southeast
Asia and around the world have turned my stomach and moved me to tears. I want to help, to hold
these ones in my arms and tell them of the one who loves them… and what Love really is.
prevalence of sex trafficking has become so great that it is a common request
for missions here at AIM. This year at AIM we’ve added more trips to Thailand… that are dedicated to ministry in the world of sex
have friends living in Southeast Asia working with those trapped in the sex
trade. For them it isn’t a story, something happening far away. It’s the little
boys, little girls, and teenagers they see every day. Their stories break my
heart. Their stories make me want to drop everything and go myself. So, I WILL!

short time we are there, we will stay with Alli Mellon, the Executive Director
of the Hard Places Community, who lives in Cambodia with her team and two
daughters. She asked us to come, see her life, share in her ministry, and pour
into the team. Missionary love… as someone who spent her entire childhood living overseas, I know just how needed it is.
also has a two year team living in the same city, four women being mentored by Alli
and are committed to working in this heartbreaking ministry. We’ve been asked
to debrief these girls as well, to love on them, encourage them, pray for them,
and give them whatever they need….build into the ministry.
excited. 1) to see some close friends I’ve missed for a long
time. 2) to go out and do what I love to do most- love on people and share
the hope of Christ. With all the traveling I’ve done, this will be my first time to Asia and I am excited to
minister in a new culture. 3) to see the powerful impact of the Lord
through His people in a dark world. And 4) to encourage the Body of
believers in a small corner of Southeast Asia, to hold their hands, pray over
them, and help carry their burdens to the Father.
order to go, I need to raise an additional $1700. I’m asking you to consider making a special gift
towards this trip. This is a ministry the Lord has called us all to: to proclaim freedom for the
captives. What I will do in my short time in Cambodia will be small in
comparison to those who live there, but it could lead to just one person
eventually being freed from horrific slavery. As this desire to go has grown
and confirmation for this trip has repeatedly appeared, everything has fallen
into place. Now the finances need to as well. Please, pray for me as I go. I
want your prayers more than anything. But I do ask that you considering giving
specifically for this trip as well.

Seth has encouraged me to ask for a minimum of 20 individuals who will commit to praying for me during this time. If this is a commitment you’d like to make, please comment below or send me a message. THANK YOU!
are some links with more details, pictures and videos about the work in Cambodia:
Connie – I am more than happy to commit to pray for both you and Kristen as you go and minister to Alli and the team in Cambodia. I am so proud of you and your desire to care for missionaries around the world. Love you!! Mom
I will pray for you & those you have contact with.
Connie – John and I will be praying for you and supporting you.
Connie-I will definately be praying for you and for the people that you will be sharing your journey with. You are a blessing! ~Dee